Unlocks all Snap Lenses with Snap Camera Server
Web based online Patch Tool
Snap lens.lns
files come with a Signature preventing anyone from distributing or modifying lenses.
This patch will disable all Signature checks of your Snap Camera application to use modified Snap Lenses.
Enabling you to
- Access/Download all Snap Lenses from the web https://lens.snapchat.com/
- Use modified Lenses (Remove Watermarks / Change Backgrounds...)
- Snap Camera 1.19 - 1.21 (Windows)
- Snap Camera 1.21 (Mac OS)
Now with Windows and Mac OS support 👍
Use the web based online patch tool
Mac OS users will also have to run these commands inside the Terminal application after applying the patch.
- Make the binary executable:
chmod +x "/Applications/Snap Camera.app/Contents/MacOS/Snap Camera"
- Remove the Mac OS code signing:
sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Snap Camera.app"
- Remove extended file attributes:
sudo xattr -cr "/Applications/Snap Camera.app"
Make sure to check your Mac OS security settings if the application can't be opened.
You can try to fix the error by running the command:
sudo spctl --add "/Applications/Snap Camera.app"
Or by running the command:
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - "/Applications/Snap Camera.app"
If you still have problems opening the application, you can try a few more things...
- Read this 📖 Troubleshooting Mac OS - Snap Camera can't be opened
- Run the macOS errorfix.sh script inside your Terminal application
- Watch the macOS video guide below.
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© 2023-2025 Patrick Trumpis