A widget to load WebView in an Overlay.
I needed a widget that can load a url in WebView in a full-screen closable overlay/modal. I wanted to re-use this new, shiny widget in my other projects as well. So, I decided to upload WebViewOverlay library in a central artifact repository. I chose JCenter because its one of the largest artifact repository for Java and Android libraries and has good integration with Android Studio IDE.
WebViewOverlay widget loads a WebView widget in a full-screen pop-up. It has option to close it by clicking on top-right corner 'x'
There're two APIs to load WebView either in full-screen mode or in a dialog with a custom title.
Full Screen Overlay
void loadWebViewOverlay(String urlToBeLoaded, HashMap<String, String> params);
Full Screen Overlay With Custom Title
void loadWebViewOverlay(String urlToBeLoaded, HashMap<String, String> params, String popupTitle);
In Android Studio, it can be added to your project by adding following in build.gradle
compile 'org.ptyagicodecamp:WebViewOverlay:1.0.2'
WebViewOverlay widget can be initialized in Activity or BaseActivity's onCreate()
WebViewOverlay webViewOverlay;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
webViewOverlay = new WebViewOverlay(this);
After initializing widget, it can simply be used by calling either of the API. Here's examples to demonstrate both APIs:
public void openWebViewOverlay(View view) {
String url = "https://ptyagicodecamp.github.io";
webViewOverlay.loadWebViewOverlay(url, null);
public void openWebViewOverlayWithTitle(View view) {
String url = "https://ptyagicodecamp.github.io";
webViewOverlay.loadWebViewOverlay(url, null, "WebViewOverlay Demo");