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Documentation [42Lisbon] 🚀

Greetings future 42Core conquerors! Here lies a treasure trove of exercises, tutorials, testers, and challenges carefully crafted to hone your skills and prepare you for the epic journey ahead. Dive in and emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to take on the coding universe!

Table of Contents 📚

Project Description Stars Related Projects
ExamRank[3, 4, 5, 6] Preparation for the 42Core exams ⭐️⭐️ EXAMS
libft_tests Tests for the libft library ⭐️ Libft
ft_printf_tests Tests for the ft_printf function ⭐️⭐⭐️ Printf
gnl_game Game related to the get_next_line function ⭐️⭐️ GNL
push_swap_tests Tests for the push_swap algorithm ⭐️ push_swap
UnixProcesses Examples and exercises related to Unix processes ⭐️⭐️⭐️ pipex & minishell
minilibx_tutorial 1 Tutorial on how to use the minilibx library ⭐️⭐️⭐️ minilibx_tutorial_2
SnakeChallenge Implementation of the snake game using minilibx ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fun
CPP_Practice Practice exercises for C++ programming ⭐️⭐️ C++ Modules
bsp_tester Tester for binary space partitioning exercise ⭐️ Cpp module 02 bonus bsp
TS_Practice Basic TypeScript exercises and projects transcendence
minilibx_animations_tutorial_figures Tutorial on animating figures using minilibx ⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
minilibx_animations_tutorial_sprites Tutorial on animating sprites using minilibx ⭐️⭐️⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
PongGame Implementation of Pong game with minilibx ⭐️⭐️ Philosophers(threading) & cub3d
File Analyser Program for analyzing metadata in Linux filesystems ⭐️⭐ ft_ls, nm, nmap
Make Tutorial Tutorial on Makefiles ⭐️ C Projects
bitOperationsExamples Examples of bitwise operations in C ⭐️ minitalk, libasm, Exam02
linked_lst_performance Comparison of linked list performance libft, projects using libft
mlx42_intro Tutorial on mlx42 library ⭐️⭐️⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
mlx42_menu_tutorial Implementation of interface and game with mlx42 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
mlx_animations_library Library for handling animations in minilibx ⭐️⭐️⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
mlx_transparency Tutorial on transparency in mlx ⭐️⭐️ so_long, fdf, fract-ol, cub3d
Templates Project automation and class generation tool ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ C++ Projects
transitions Implementation of frame transition ⭐️⭐️ C & mlx
  • Note: The stars refer on how much I recommend you have a look at the docs when you are doing a project

Includes tutorials, testers, and challenges aimed at helping you prepare for the 42Core. Below, you'll find a curated list of resources to enhance your skills and knowledge.

test1 => Mandatory
test2 => Bonus
test3 => Bonus & Mandatory (Buggy - this test doesn't work properly)
test4 => Bonus & Mandatory (Might fail but Moulinette doesn't check...)
main => Compile with libft '-L path_to_Libft -lft'
gnl_test => TODO option 2 (to read a file is not finished but the game works 100%)
Makefile => contains the Generator and rule 'run' => test all combinations of 5  => tests 100 times using a random generator defined on the Makefile
[Execve, Fork, Pipe] explained with examples and exercises
Tutorial about how to use minilibx
The snake game developed with minilibx (Challenge solution)
- Basics        => Input, Output, Strings, pointers [new & delete]
- Objects       => Objects [Micropaint with C++]
- Obj Smart     => It's Objects but improved
- Math          => Objects [Point, Vector, ComplexNumbers]
- Simple Server => Server in C++ (Serves only one Client)
- Inheritance   => Analize how inheritance work and how virtual inheritance could change classes
Tester for bsp exercise on the C++Piscine
Developed with SDL
Basic TypeScript Exercises and projects before doing ft_transcendence
Tutorial explaining how to animate figures, and paths using linked lists
Tutorial explaining how to animate sprites, and paths using linked lists
Developed PongGame using minilibx library using multithreading and powerups, it's a futuristic pong.
A program which will dig into all the metadata contained on a file for better understanding of the Linux filesystems.
Tutorial to understand how Makefiles Work
Silly examples of operations like | and & and << in C
Comparison of using a linked list with a concrete struct vs. an abstract void* which can take any struct you want, the results are shocking and you can learn about C's abstract conversions.
Directory for the tutorial on how to use mlx42 (the project by CODAM)
Continuation of mlx42_intro, the implementation of an interface and a fully functional game
A library to use animations out of the box with mlx
Directory for the tutorial using mlx (from 42Paris)
An awesome project I developed which can automate your project creation and class generation, it includes many options, like adding constructors, assignment operators, overloaders, defaults, setting different versions of C++; etc
Implementation of the lerp principles, both for image interpolation and for linear progression of time.

Good Luck and don't drown! Keep Swimming! ;D

Passing ALL my tests does NOT guarantee that you'll pass Moulinette, although if you FAIL any of my tests, then you won't pass Moulinette tests!

For any further questions contact me at: