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Tailscale Resource Provider

The Tailscale Resource Provider lets you manage Tailscale resources.


This package is available in many languages in the standard packaging formats.

Node.js (Java/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

$ npm install @pulumi/tailscale

or yarn:

$ yarn add @pulumi/tailscale


To use from Python, install using pip:

$ pip install pulumi_tailscale


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library

$ go get


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

$ dotnet add package Pulumi.Tailscale


The following configuration points are available:

  • tailscale:apiKey - (Required) API key to authenticate with the Tailscale API. It must be provided, but it can also be sourced from the TAILSCALE_API_KEY environment variable.
  • tailscale:tailnet - (Required) Tailscale tailnet to manage resources for. It must be provided, but it can also be sourced from the TAILSCALE_TAILNET variable. A tailnet is the name of your Tailscale network. You can find it in the top left corner of the Admin Panel beside the Tailscale logo.
  • tailscale:oauthClientId - The OAuth application's ID when using OAuth client credentials. Can be set via the OAUTH_CLIENT_ID environment variable. Both 'oauthClientId' and 'oauthClientSecret' must be set. Conflicts with 'apiKey'.
  • oauthClientSecret - The OAuth application's secret when using OAuth client credentials. Can be set via the OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable. Both 'oauthClientId' and 'oauthClientSecret' must be set. Conflicts with 'apiKey'.
  • scopes - The OAuth 2.0 scopes to request when for the access token generated using the supplied OAuth client credentials. See for available scopes. Only valid when both 'oauthClientId' and 'oauthClientSecret' are set.


For further information, please visit the Tailscale provider docs or for detailed reference documentation, please visit the API docs.