This is the Arc Activities plugin for Unreal Engine 5.2+
Arc Activities is a plugin that provides a series of assets to help you build quests and world activities for your unreal engine games.
For examples, please view the Arc Activities Example Project:
- A Graph-Based activity designer
- Fully replicated activity progress
- Objective Trackers that can observe events happening in the world
- Stages and Stage services that can manipulate the world and make changes
- Any number of players can enter and exit an activity
- Instantiating and waiting for "sub activities" to finish.
Arc Activities will be updated with Unreal Engine versions as they come out. Officially we support the three most recent UE versions. They are current UE 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. You can use older versions at your own risk.
This project is open source and permissively licensed, under either MIT or Apache 2.0. You may chose either license.
This dual licensing approach provides a few benefits:
- Apache 2.0 provides protection from patent trolling, and reduces license boilerplate
- MIT is compatible with many other open source licenses
- Both licenses have various ecosystems to support them
Content provided by the Unreal Engine is licensed under their respective licenses.
Contributions in the form of pull requests are extremely welcome! All contributions must be provided under both of these licenses.