This Splunk add-on can be used to trigger Puppet Enterprise Orchestration actions such as plan or task execution; as well as generating detailed Puppet report data.
This add-on is intended to be used alongside the Puppet Report Viewer app for Splunk, with data provided by the splunk_hec report processor available on the Puppet Forge.
After installing and configuring both the splunk_hec
Puppet module and the Puppet Report Viewer app for Splunk; follow the steps below to configure the Puppet Alert Orchestrator add-on for Splunk:
Add account details for multiple PE RBAC users.
- Account name: Descriptive Account Name
- Username: PE RBAC Username
- Password: Password or PE RBAC Token
- Check the
checkbox if you provide a PE RBAC Token instead of a password.
- Check the
Default log level is INFO
The following are required fields.
- Puppet Enterprise Console: URL for the default PE Console.
- Splunk HEC Token: The HEC Token generated for the Puppet Report Viewer.
- Splunk HEC URL: (e.g.
) - User: Username for the default account to be used to trigger actions in PE.
Note: See the Splunk HEC Documentation for details on determining the correct URL for your HEC endpoint.
Note: Once the add-on has been configured, Splunk will need to be restarted.
The Orchestrator Actions dashboard is powered by a custom input script which utilizes the configured account credentials to query Puppet Enterprise for Tasks and Plans available to that particular RBAC user.
The Puppet Enteprise Console URL and Orchestration Services port (default: 8143
) need to be added to the outbound port configuration. If this is not completed, you will see the following error in the splunkd
ERROR ExecProcessor [28983 ExecProcessor] - message from “/opt/splunk/bin/python3.7 /opt/splunk/etc/apps/TA-puppet-alert-orchestrator/bin/inputs/” TA-puppet-alert-orchestrator: Failed to build event message - HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘PE_CONSOLE_URL’, port=8143): Max retries exceeded with url: /orchestrator/v1/tasks (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f30adc1df10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out’))
- By default the custom input script only checks the
environment. As a user can override the default environment when configuring the action, they can also input a custom Plan or Task name that may not be listed in the default environment.
- This add-on has only been tested on the Victoria Experience of Splunk Cloud. To utilize this add-on with the Classic Experience, your installation will need to include an Inputs Data Manager (IDM).
The interval (default: 60m
) at which the input script runs is configurable only within Splunk Enterprise by adding the following to a local inputs.conf
file for the add-on:
# 12h interval
interval = 43200
# To specify a cron schedule, use the following format:
# "<minute> <hour> <day of month> <month> <day of week>"
Once the add-on has been properly configured you can begin creating new Alerts to trigger specified actions (e.g. Run a Puppet Plan, Run a Puppet Task, Generate a detailed Puppet report) when a new event matching the Alert is received by Splunk.
Examples assume you are also utilizing the Puppet Report Viewer app in conjunction with the splunk_hec
, pe_event_forwarding
, and puppet_metrics_collector
Puppet modules.
Action: Generate a detailed report when the report status has changed.
index=main sourcetype=puppet:summary status=changed
Action: Run Puppet plan enterprise_tasks::provision_compiler
when the JRuby pool drops below 2.
index=main sourcetype=puppet:metrics pe_service=puppetserver
| rename jruby-metrics.status.experimental.metrics.average-free-jrubies as jrb
| bin _time AS "TIME" span=5m | convert ctime(TIME)
| stats sum(jrb) as JRuby_Pool by TIME
| where ceil(JRuby_Pool) < 2
Action: Run a custom Puppet task to revoke an RBAC users status when a specific node group is edited.
index=main sourcetype="puppet:activities_classifier"
| search "objects{}.name"="PE Master"
To check the logs of the individual Alerts you can search the internal log index in Splunk with the following search:
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=sendmodalert action=puppet_*
The following logs can be reviewed from the Splunk server:
Note: Error message verbosity depends on the log level of your installation.