We present LocationSpark, a spatial data processing system built on top of Apache Spark, a widely used distributed data processing system. LocationSpark offers a rich set of spatial query operators such as range search, $k$NN, spatio-textual operation, spatial-join, and $k$NN-join. To achieve high performance, LocationSpark employs various spatial indexes for in-memory data, and guarantees that immutable spatial indexes have low overhead with fault tolerance. In addition, we build two new layers over Spark, namely a query scheduler and a query executor. The query scheduler is responsible for mitigating skew in spatial queries, while the query executor selects the best plan based on the indexes and the nature of the spatial queries.Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary network communication overhead when processing overlapped spatial data, an efficient spatial bloom filter is embedded into the indexes of LocationSpark. Finally, LocationSpark tracks frequently accessed spatial data, and dynamically flushes less frequently accessed data into disk.
###Update RDD, Range Query, KNN Query, Spatial Textual Query, Spatial Join, kNN Join
import cs.purdue.edu.spatialrdd.SpatialRDD
import cs.purdue.edu.spatialindex.rtree._
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark SpatialRDD").setMaster("local[2]")
val spark = new SparkContext(conf)
val numofpartition=9
* build a spatialrdd
val rdd = spark.parallelize((1 to 100000).map(x => (Util.uniformPoint(1000,1000), x)), numofpartition)
val indexed = SpatialRDD(rdd).cache()
* put and get function
val insertpoint=Point(300, 383)
val indexrdd2=indexed.put(insertpoint,100)
val insertpoint2=Point(-17, 18)
* multi-put and multi-get
var z = Array(Point(12,12), Point(17,18), Point(20,21))
val indexrdd3=indexrdd2.multiput(Map(Point(12,12) -> 1, Point(17,18) -> 12, Point(20,21)->100), SumFunction)
* range query
val box = Box(2 , 2, 90, 90)
val rangesearchresult=indexrdd3.rangeFilter(box,(id)=>true)
* knn search
val k=200
val knnresults=indexrdd3.knnFilter(insertpoint,k,(id)=>true)
* spatial text search
def textcondition[V](z:Entry[V]):Boolean=
z.value match
case v:String =>
val vl=v.toLowerCase()
val box = Box(23.10094f,-86.8612f, 32.41f, -85.222f)
val spatialtextualresult=indexrdd3.rangeFilter(box,textcondition)
*spatial join
val boxes=Array((Box(-21,30,-35,35)),(Box(-28.111,81.333,-31.33,86.333)))
val queryBoxes=spark.parallelize(boxes,numofpartition)
val joinresultRdd=indexed.sjoin(transfromQueryRDD)((k,id)=>id)