The main idea behind the development of this app was born after I simplified a workflow of geochemical prospecting with python code during a Mineral Exploration course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The approach of the workflow is focused on the classification of stream sediments samples in classes of anomolous or background samples in order to target possible areas of mineral interest.
The idea of the code was to simplify the management of the data that was very time consuming, and give more focus to the statistical and geological insights of the data rather than the "knowhow" about the software being used for this purpose. By exporting the final generated tables, the user could then utilize GIS software to further work with the data.
Based on that, I felt motivated to also develop a friendly user interface to support geoscience students and researchers that are not into python programming, and thus this app has been created.
Feel free to contact me to suggest improvements on the app, or to develop something new with me. I hope the app is useful!
Pedro Vitor Abreu