Simple, distraction-free atom syntax based on awesome hyper-snazzy
Read the reasoning behind the theme here
- Dimmed color for distracting elements like punctuations, parens, and braces
- Extensive JavaScript with ES2015+ and JSX + Flow support
- Differentiate between array/object destructuring and array/object literals
- Consistent color for object property (including shorthand) and JSX props
- Same color for template string variable and JS expression extrapolation in JSX
- Magenta for native keyword
- Cyan for method or function
- Blue for class and type definition
- Bright green color for string literal for easier spotting "hardcoded" value
- Pale bright green color for RegExp because of its relationship with string
- Orange for constant, like number, boolean literal and UPPER_CASE variables
- Red for HTML tags in both HTML, JSX, and CSS selector
Install language-babel
for better syntax highlighting support.
Thanks to Sindre Sorhus for his awesome color palette in hyper-snazzy