This is not an officially supported Google product.
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
A detailed overview of the deployment patterns is presented here.
Export environment variables:
export PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
Create a GKE cluster with Istio enabled:
gcloud beta container clusters create "test-cluster" \
--zone "us-central1-a" \
--scopes "" \
--addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio \
--istio-config auth=MTLS_PERMISSIVE
Get running cluster credentials:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "test-cluster" \
--zone "us-central1-a" \
--project $PROJECT
Clone repository:
git clone
cd kubernetes-deployment-patterns
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f recreate/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Kubernetes service:
kubectl apply -f recreate/service.yaml
Check if deployment and service created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app -w
kubectl get svc/app -w
Wait for external IP to be allocated before proceeding. Press CTRL-C to end the watch loop.
On a new terminal, get the service IP and send requests to the current deployment:
while(true); \
do \
curl "http://$(kubectl get svc app -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080/version"; echo; \
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f recreate/deployment-new.yaml
Monitor the response changing on the terminal where curl command was executed.
kubectl delete -f recreate/ --ignore-not-found
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f rollingupdate/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Kubernetes service:
kubectl apply -f rollingupdate/service.yaml
Check if deployment and service created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app -w
kubectl get svc/app -w
Wait for external IP to be allocated before proceeding. Press CTRL-C to end the watch loop.
On a new terminal, get the service IP and send requests to the current deployment:
while(true); \
do \
curl "http://$(kubectl get svc app -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080/version"; echo; \
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f rollingupdate/deployment-new.yaml
Monitor the response changing on the terminal where curl command was executed.
kubectl delete -f rollingupdate/ --ignore-not-found
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f bluegreen/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Kubernetes service:
kubectl apply -f bluegreen/service-old.yaml
Check if deployment and service created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-01 -w
kubectl get svc/app -w
Wait for external IP to be allocated before proceeding. Press CTRL-C to end the watch loop.
On a new terminal, get the service IP and send requests to the current deployment:
while(true); \
do \
curl "http://$(kubectl get svc app -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080/version"; echo; \
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f bluegreen/deployment-old.yaml
Check if the new deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-02 -w
Update the service to point to the new version:
kubectl apply -f bluegreen/service-new.yaml
Monitor the response changing on the terminal where curl command was executed.
kubectl delete -f bluegreen/ --ignore-not-found
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f canary/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Istio ingress gateway:
kubectl apply -f canary/gateway.yaml -f canary/virtualservice.yaml
Check if deployment created:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-01 -w
On a new terminal, get Istio ingress gateway IP and send requests:
while(true); \
do \
curl "http://$(kubectl get service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")/version"; echo; \
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f canary/deployment-new.yaml
Check if the new deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-02 -w
Enforce traffic split rules (80-20) between the two versions:
kubectl apply -f canary/destinationrule.yaml -f canary/virtualservice-split.yaml
Monitor the response changing on the terminal where curl command was executed.
kubectl delete -f canary/ --ignore-not-found
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f shadow/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Istio ingress gateway:
kubectl apply -f shadow/gateway.yaml -f shadow/virtualservice.yaml
Check if deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-01 -w
On a new terminal, get Istio ingress gateway IP and send requests:
while(true); \
do \
curl "http://$(kubectl get service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")/version"; echo; \
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f shadow/deployment-new.yaml
Set up mirroring:
kubectl apply -f shadow/virtualservice-mirror.yaml
Check if the new deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-02 -w
Check pods logs:
kubectl logs -f --tail=3 deployment/app-01
kubectl logs -f --tail=3 deployment/app-02
kubectl delete -f shadow/ --ignore-not-found
Create deployment with the current version of the application:
kubectl apply -f ab/deployment-old.yaml
Expose the deployment using Istio ingress gateway:
kubectl apply -f ab/gateway.yaml -f ab/virtualservice.yaml
Check if deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-01 -w
Get Istio ingress gateway IP and send request:
curl "http://$(kubectl get service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")/version"
Create deployment with the new version of the application:
kubectl apply -f ab/deployment-new.yaml
Check if the new deployment created successfully:
kubectl rollout status deploy app-02 -w
Split traffic based on "end-user" header:
kubectl apply -f ab/destinationrule.yaml -f ab/virtualservice-split.yaml
Send request with end-user as "dummyUser":
curl -H "end-user:dummyUser" "http://$(kubectl get service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")/version"
kubectl delete -f ab/ --ignore-not-found