TLSR826x/825x COM port Swire Writer Utility
Using only the COM port, downloads and runs the program in SRAM for TLSR826x or TLSR825x chips.
Don't forget to connect GND.
If the module does not have a RESET pin from the chip, then the RTS signal from the COM port can be connected as the module power supply - connect it to +3.3 V of the module.
If the module has a RESET pin, then it is advisable to connect the module power supply to +3.3 V, and connect RESET to RTS.
usage: ComSwireWriter [-h] [--port PORT] [--tact TACT] [--file FILE] [--baud BAUD]
TLSR826x ComSwireWriter Utility version 21.02.20
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT, -p PORT Serial port device (default: COM1)
--tact TACT, -t TACT Time Activation ms (0-off, default: 600 ms)
--file FILE, -f FILE Filename to load (default: floader.bin)
--baud BAUD, -b BAUD UART Baud Rate (default: 230400)
Added TLSR825xComFlasher:
usage: [-h] [-p PORT] [-t TACT] [-c CLK] [-b BAUD] [-r]
{rf,wf,es,ea} ...
TLSR825x Flasher version 00.00.02
positional arguments:
{rf,wf,es,ea} TLSR825xComFlasher {command} -h for additional help
rf Read Flash to binary file
wf Write file to Flash with sectors erases
es Erase Region (sectors) of Flash
ea Erase All Flash
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT Serial port device (default: COM1)
-t TACT, --tact TACT Time Activation ms (0-off, default: 0 ms)
-c CLK, --clk CLK SWire CLK (default: auto, 0 - auto)
-b BAUD, --baud BAUD UART Baud Rate (default: 921600, min: 340000)
-r, --run CPU Run (post main processing)
-d, --debug Debug info
- Does not work on USB-COM adapters that have LEDs on at the RX input.
- Does not work on USB-COM adapters that have FTDI chip
Write full flash: python.exe -p COM3 -t 70 wf 0 Original_full_flash_Xiaomi_LYWSD03MMC.bin
TLSR825x Flasher version 00.00.02
Open COM3, 921600 baud...
Reset module (RTS low)...
Activate (70 ms)...
UART-SWS 92160 baud. SW-CLK ~23.0 MHz(?)
Inputfile: Original_full_flash_Xiaomi_LYWSD03MMC.bin
Write Flash data 0x00000000 to 0x00080000...
Worked Time: 48.761 sec