Simple Maven extension to present time consumed by different maven plugins.
Perform a full build of maven-growl-plugin by running
mvn clean install
Then go in target
, pick the maven-profiling-logger-${project.version}.jar
and drop that jar in your $MVN_HOME\lib\ext
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] 37% maven-compiler-plugin [2.00s]
[INFO] * compile 37% [1.99s]
[INFO] * testCompile 0% [0.01s]
[INFO] 21% project setup [1.16s]
[INFO] 8% maven-jar-plugin [0.47s]
[INFO] * jar
[INFO] 7% plexus-component-metadata [0.41s]
[INFO] * generate-metadata
[INFO] 6% maven-resources-plugin [0.35s]
[INFO] * resources 6% [0.35s]
[INFO] * testResources 0% [0.01s]
[INFO] 6% maven-surefire-plugin [0.33s]
[INFO] * test
[INFO] 5% maven-clean-plugin [0.27s]
[INFO] * clean
[INFO] 2% maven-install-plugin [0.16s]
[INFO] * install
[INFO] 2% scanning for projects [0.12s]
[INFO] 1% other [0.05s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.317s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 13 20:26:35 CET 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/35M
It was created thanks to excelent work done by alexkli.
Unfortunately it has not become a part of Maven release, so I found a way to use it for now as an extension following (