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This is a Simple API Based Web Application to reserve meeting rooms

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# Reserve Room


This is a Simple API Based Web Application to reserve meeting rooms.

# Features

- Api Based

- Using Regex


- JWT Token

# How to start using it


Simply just use following command:

    TZ=UTC node server.js

# Project Skeleton


we have several directories and files. let's talk about them:

1- Config : has all static information for project like database settings and jwt token secret

2- Middleware : check token and signup before controller

3- Controllers : control inputs and confirm them for reserve and check login informations

4- Models : has Models (User and Resreve) objects with their own fields (Sequelize ORM Objects)

5- Views : has all templates and their dependencies (style.css and converter.js). we use these templates late in routing part (Rendering)

6- Routes : Reserve and auth Routes

# Config


auth.config.js -> this file contain JWT Token Secret key and we used this file in auth.Jwt.js and auth.controller.js

reserve.config.js -> this file contain reserve settings. Resreve Period (time_period) and Maximum Resreve day distance from today (day_period)

db.config.js -> this file contain all information about our mysql database system (login credits and timezone and pool settings) -> for more information please visite the file

# Middleware


authJwt.js -> this file has two methods :

    1 - isValidToken (Return True or False) -> check if given token is valid or not

    2 - verifyToken (Return Status and Set User ID based on TOKEN)

verifySignup.js -> this file has two methods and one function :

    1- check function as it seems, check if given username or email are already taken or not (Return True or False)

    2- usernameOrEmailExists (For API Results) -> use check function and send json message to the use-agent

    3- usernameOrEmailExistsFront (For Front Results) -> use check function and redirect user to proper route

    TODO : Check email and username validation inputs

index.js -> merge verifySignup and authJwt into one module

# Controllers (After Middleware)


auth.controller.js -> this file contain three methods: 

    1 - signup (for api) : create user with given information and return proper json message

    2 - signupFront (for front) : create user with given information and redirect user to proper route

reserve.controller.js -> this file contain two methods and one function:

    1 - changeTimezone(Date Object , "TIME ZONE NAME") -> Convert given DateObject to a new DateObject with new timezone

    2 - reserve -> reserve given date and check validation

    3 - getReserves -> get all reserves after today (including today)

# Models


user.model.js -> this file contain User Object (ORM Object)

reserve.model.js -> this file contain Reserve Object (ORM Object)

index.js -> merge these files into one

# Views


index.ejs -> template for index page

login.ejs -> template for login page

signup.ejs -> template for signup page

reserve.ejs -> template for Reserve Page :

    We used ajax to get and post reserves (Frontend):

        for this we have used Jquery Ajax function and pass token from headers

footer.ejs & headers.ejs -> contain all html and css and javascript frontend dependencies

Convertjs -> script to convert current date to jalali calender (not used yet)

style.css -> some styles for html pages

# Routes


auth.routes.js -> in this file we handle routes that relates to auth process

    "/api/auth/signup" (POST METHOD) -> signup in api endpoint. first check if username or email exists or not and then use controller.signup method

    "/api/auth/signin" (POST METHOD) -> signin user in api endpoint. using controller.signin for doing that

    "/loginRoute" (POST METHOD) -> signin user in frontend. using controller.signinFront for doing that

    "/signupRoute" (POST METHOD) -> signup in frontend. first check if username or email exists or not and then use controller.signup method

reserve.routes.js -> in this file we handle routes that relates to reserve process

    "/api/reserve" (POST METHOD) -> reserve given time after token verify. use controller.reserve

    "/api/reserves" (GET METHOD) -> get all reserves after today (including) (after token verify). using controller.getReserves

# Server.js


we use ejs template engine. for more information:

in every front path before routing we check if user is loggedin or not (using tokenValidModule.isValidToken)


This is a Simple API Based Web Application to reserve meeting rooms






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