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Pyrodactyl is the Pterodactyl-based game server panel that's faster, smaller, safer, and more accessible than Pelican.


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Pyrodactyl is under development and pre-release. Some UI elements may appear broken, and there might be some bugs.

Pyrodactyl is the Pterodactyl-based game server management panel that focuses on performance enhancements, a reimagined, accessible interface, and top-tier developer experience. Builds faster, compiles smaller: Pyrodactyl is the world's best Pterodactyl.

Dashboard Image

Changes from vanilla Pterodactyl

  • Smaller bundle sizes: Pyrodactyl is built using Vite, and significant re-architecting of the application means Pyrodactyl's initial download size is over 170 times smaller than leading Pterodactyl forks, and Pelican
  • Faster build times: Pyrodactyl completes builds in milliseconds with the power of Turbo. Cold builds with zero cache finish in under 7 seconds.
  • Faster loading times: Pyrodactyl's load times are, on average, over 16 times faster than other closed-source Pterodactyl forks and Pelican. Smarter code splitting and chunking means that pages you visit in the panel only load necessary resources on demand. Better caching means that everything is simply snappy.
  • More secure: Pyrodactyl's modern architecture means most severe and easily exploitable CVEs simply do not exist. We have also implemented SRI and integrity checks for production builds.
  • More accessible: Pyro believes that gaming should be easily available for everyone. Pyrodactyl builds with the latest Web accessibility guidelines in mind. Pyrodactyl is entirely keyboard-navigable, even context menus., and screen-readers are easily compatible.
  • More approachable: Pyrodactyl's friendly, approachable interface means that anyone can confidently run a game server with Pyro.

Dashboard Image

Running Pyrodactyl


  • Latest LTS version of NodeJS
  • Git



Pyrodactyl now has a Docker image avaliable, which for previous users of the Pterodactyl panel in Docker, should make it easy to migrate.

If you want to setup Pyrodactyl in Docker from scratch, see the docker-compose.example.yml. You can follow Pterodactyl's instructions on setting it up.

Setting up Pyrodactyl is a breeze on Linux. Follow the official Pterodactyl documentation for your distribution up to the Download Files step.

Instead of downloading the official panel, use the commands below to download Pyrodactyl:

# Make directories
mkdir -p /var/www/pterodactyl
cd /var/www/pterodactyl

# Download and extract panel
git clone /var/www/pterodactyl --depth=2

# Permissions for caches
chmod -R 755 storage/* bootstrap/cache/

# Install dependencies & build panel
npm ci && npm run ship

Proceed with the rest of the installation as you would with the official panel.


It is not currently possible to run Pyrodactyl in a production environment on Windows due to Wings being incompatible.

Local Development

On Windows

Pyrodactyl is the world's first Pterodactyl panel that can be developed and run locally (with Wings) on Windows machines through Vagrant. Verify you have met the prerequisites above, then follow the steps below.

  1. Clone the Pyrodactyl panel repository
  2. Run npm i to install all the packages necessary.
  3. Run npm run ship to build Pyrodactyl. This will cache the results of the build and upload sourcemaps to Sentry. Subsequent builds without code changes will finish in milliseconds.
  4. Run vagrant up. This will setup wings and the necessary services in order to run Pyrodactyl's databases, services, and app. This process could take up to 15 minutes.
  5. Once you receive a message that says "Pyrodactyl is now up and running at localhost:3000", visit that URL in your browser and login with the default credentials provided in your console. It's important that you use localhost to connect to Pyrodactyl! If you use, you will run into CORS issues and other issues that will not be fixed.
  6. Visit https://localhost:3000/admin to provision your first server on Pyrodactyl!

Notes about Local Development on Windows

  • If you have the dev server running (npm run dev), a development build of the app will be served at localhost:3000 with HMR. If you want to preview a production build of Pyrodactyl, terminate the dev server and run npm run ship. Once it finishes, it will also be served at localhost:3000.

  • If you're running the development server or have built a production version of Pyrodactyl, but visiting localhost:3000 hangs permanently, ensure you don't have any other apps or games open that may interfere with any of the ports in the Vagrantfile. For example, Steam may use port 8080, or another development server may be using a port used by Pyrodactyl. Run vagrant reload to re-point ports to your virtual machine after ensuring nothing may be using it, and try again.

  • If you receive a message like Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders, you may need to install the vbguest plugin for VirtualBox with vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest. If it's already installed, run vagrant plugin update vagrant-vbguest.

  • We recommend setting up Remote Caching via turbo. When you run npm run ship on your local development machine, its results will be cached and uploaded, allowing you to finish a build on your production server in milliseconds.

  • We do not recommend using Hyper-V as your virtualization layer. If your Vagrant installation asks you for a password, this is because you used Hyper-V. The password will be your Windows password.

    • We recommend using VMWare Workstation or VirtualBox instead.

On Linux

Extra prerequsites

In addition to the previous prerequsites, you need:

Install nfs-utils

  • Fedora: sudo dnf install nfs-utils

  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Afterwards, start it:

  • sudo systemctl start nfs-server
    • To have it start when your computer starts
  • sudo systemctl enable nfs-server

Notes about Local Development on Linux

Using Vagrant on Linux is incredibly simple. Verify you met the prerequsites above, then follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the Pyrodactyl panel repository
  2. Run npm i to install all required packages
  3. Run npm run ship to build Pyrodactyl. This will cache the results of the build and upload sourcemaps to Sentry. Subsequent builds without code changes will finish in milliseconds.

[!IMPORTANT] In order for vagrant up to work, your files must be in the /var/www/pterodactyl directory unless manually changed in the Vagrantfile!

  1. Run vagrant up. This will setup wings and the necessary services in order to run Pyrodactyl's databases, services, and app. This process could take up to 15 minutes.
  2. Once you receive a message that says "Pyrodactyl is now up and running at localhost:3000", visit that URL in your browser and login with the default credentials provided in your console. It's important that you use localhost to connect to Pyrodactyl! If you use, you will run into CORS issues and other issues that will not be fixed.

Notes about Local Development on Linux

  • If your having trouble installing Virtualbox on linux, you can try to follow instructions in these docs

  • It should be stated that when running on Linux, if you are using a virtual machine manager other than libvirtd, you will have to add your configuration to the Vagrantfile. If not, it will boot the VM with 512 mb of ram, which is not enough to build Pyrodactyl!

  • There might be a weird bug the first time you run vagrant up, where you get an error like this:

    The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
    Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
    mount -o vers=3,udp /var/www/pterodactyl
    Stdout from the command:
    Stderr from the command:
    mount.nfs: Connection refused

    If this happens, just re-run vagrant up and it should work.

  • If you're having permission errors, try running using sudo, e.g sudo vagrant up

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Pterodactyl® Copyright © 2015 - 2022 Dane Everitt and contributors.

Pyrodactyl™ Copyright © 2024 Pyro Host Inc. and contributors.
