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Composes an email message based on input data, and then immediately queues the message for sending.

Request parameters

Parameter Name Value(s) Required? Default Value Example
Source Exactly one Mailbox, Angle Address, or Address with Display name Yes None Jim Miller <>
Destination.ToAddresses.member.N Exactly one Mailbox, Angle Address, or Address with Display name At least one destination is required (any of To, Cc, Bcc) None "Smith, Barabara" <>
Destination.CcAddresses.member.N Exactly one Mailbox, Angle Address, or Address with Display name At least one destination is required (any of To, Cc, Bcc) None "Smith, Barabara" <>
Destination.BccAddresses.member.N Exactly one Mailbox, Angle Address, or Address with Display name At least one destination is required (any of To, Cc, Bcc) None "Smith, Barabara" <>
Message.Subject.Charset A valid character set name No US-ASCII UTF-8
Message.Subject.Data Any text Yes None
Message.Body.Text.Charset A valid character set name No US-ASCII UTF-8
Message.Body.Text.Data Any text At least one of Message.Body.Text.Data and Message.Body.Html.Data is required. All messages should have Message.Body.Text.Data set, as many mail filters assume HTML-only messages are spam. None see example below
Message.Body.Html.Charset A valid character set name No US-ASCII UTF-8
Message.Body.Html.Data Any valid HTML At least one of Message.Body.Text.Data and Message.Body.Html.Data is required None see example below
ReplyToAddresses.member.N Exactly one Mailbox, Angle Address, or Address with Display name No None
ReturnPath Exactly one Mailbox No the Source address


Any parameter that has a N, can be repeated multiple times. In all cases, the N must be replaced with a number from 1 to 99.

The total number of recipients specified in To, CC, and BCC per email can be no more than 50.

It is strongly recommended that all addresses are normalized.

Note that the ReturnPath parameter to this method has the same meaning as the Source parameter to the SendRawEmail method. In this method, the Source parameter is used as the From header in the email.

For more information about character sets, please see The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) by Joel Spolsky.

Example text email content

Thank you for ordering from Example Industries.  The following items will be
shipped to you as soon as they are available.

Jurg van Vliet: Programming Amazon EC2
    Quantity: 1 Price: $28.72

Frank Munz: Middleware and Cloud Computing: Oracle on
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace Cloud and RightScale
    Quantity: 1 Price: $64.95

Jeff Barr: Host Your Web Site on the Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy
    Quantity: 1 Price: ¥ 3,504

Note the Yen sign on the last line. As this is not part of US-ASCII, the character set must be defined for this text.

Example HTML email content

<head><title>Order Information</title></head>
<p>Thank you for ordering from Example Industries.  The following items will be shipped to you as soon as they are available.<p>
<table style="border: 0;">
<img src="" width="57" height="75" alt="Book Cover"><br>Jurg van Vliet: Programming Amazon EC2|1|$28.72
<img src="" width="53" height="75" alt="Book Cover"><br>Frank Munz: Middleware and Cloud Computing: Oracle on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace Cloud and RightScale|1|$64.95
<img src="" width="58" height="75" alt="Book Cover"><br>Jeff Barr: Host Your Web Site on the Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy|1|&yen; 3,504


Here the Yen sign is represented using a HTML character entity (&yen;) so the resulting content is all US-ASCII. No character set will need to be defined for the HTML part of the message.

Example request using GET

GET /?Action=SendEmail& HTTP/1.1
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 08:42:30 -0400
X-Amzn-Authorization: AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAH3VO4JIRTLHHP4AK,Algorithm=HmacSHA256,Signature=OAnmbUmDLUlX0w+ZeIisxXpOQsKEY5+4Uh9qTvGOpw0=

Example request using POST

Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 08:42:30 -0400
X-Amzn-Authorization: AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAH3VO4JIRTLHHP4AK,Algorithm=HmacSHA256,Signature=OAnmbUmDLUlX0w+ZeIisxXpOQsKEY5+4Uh9qTvGOpw0=
Content-Length: 2217
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example response

<SendEmailResponse xmlns="">