Write microcontroller flash memory using the NXP UART ISP protocol
This program is a "loader" used to transfer binaries to a microcontroller that uses the NXP UART ISP protocol (by writing the microcontroller flash memory).
NXP: Manufacturer of many electronic microcontrollers www.nxp.com
UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (a serial port / RS232)
ISP: In-System Programming
Author: Pedro Zorzenon Neto - www.pzn.com.br
License: GNU GPL
Usage: run the program without arguments to see usage help
This program source is "kind of junk", I did it in a hurry, just a few hours of deadline to learn the NXP protocol, implement it and write the flash memory of the chip. It can be improved a lot, feel free to improve and document it well.
If the program does not support your chip, then ADD NEW CHIP specifications to chip.c and recompile it. It is easy, see the example of LPC1115.
- connect your computer serial port to TX and RX of the microcontroller (probably by using a MAX232 and/or a USB-Serial converter)
- connect the ISP-Start pin to ground (at LPC1115 it is P1.0)
- Reset the microcontroller, it will start the UART ISP internal firmware
- use the program
to write/verify the flash memory
See also: screenshot.png
Compile/install procedure:
- make
- copy the file
to /usr/local/bin
- NXP is not related to the development of this program.
- This is not an official NXP software.
- NXP does not endorse its use.
- Use at your own risk. There are no warranties.