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This page lists all the assets and their brief descriptions extracted from their Help cards.

Base Section

Aim qL OBJ

A simple aim/look-at transformation node, with up-vector object support.

Camera Plane qL OBJ

Convenience wrapper around the Camera Plane SOP.

Spring Motion qL OBJ

Applies spring like lag and overshoot to the position of a transform.

Turbulate Motion qL OBJ

Generates turbulent motions.

Apply Transform qL SOP

Applies the full world-space transformation of another object to the input geometry.

Arc Blend qL SOP

Interpolates points of two shapes along a circular arc.

Attr Visualize qL SOP

Various visualization types for geometry attributes.

Attrib Shape qL SOP

Assigns attribute values defined by the shape of an object, or an SDF volume.

Bend qL SOP

Bends geometry along a circular arc.

Camera Plane qL SOP

Builds a properly-fitted view plane for a given camera at the specified distance.

Cardinal qL SOP

Builds cardinal curve(s) from polyline(s).

Clip Capped qL SOP

A version of Clip SOP that provides capping that covers the clipped areas.

Cloth Refine 3d qL SOP

Triangulates surfaces.

Curve Offset qL SOP

Offsets a curve.

Distance Add qL SOP

Adds edges and faces between points based on their distance from each other.

Distribute qL SOP

Distribute points in space so they will keep given distances between each other.

Distributor Helper qL SOP

Internal helper node for Distribute qL.

Hexa Grid qL SOP

Generates a grid of regular hexagons.

Maze qL SOP

Builds a maze from polylines on the horizontal plane.

Motion Trail qL SOP

Generates a curve along the motion path of an object.

Normal qL SOP

Convenience wrapper around common normal operations.

Path Deform qL SOP

Slides and deforms geometry along a curve.

Point Mix qL SOP

Blends point attributes between two inputs by a control attribute.

Point Texture qL SOP

Assigns the content of a texture file to a point attribute.

Point Topology qL SOP

Performs various topology-related queries and stores the results in point attributes.

PointAttr qL SOP

Creation/manipulation of per-point float attributes using a series of basic operations.

Rounded Rectangle qL SOP

Simple rectangle primitive with rounded corners.

Snap qL SOP

Snaps points to other points in a given radius.

Spiral qL SOP

Generates a simple spiral or a spiral around curve

Star qL SOP

Generates a star-shaped curve.

Superellipse qL SOP

Generates a superellipse.

Sweep Plus qL SOP

Creates a surface by sweeping cross-sections along a backbone curve with ramp parameters controling scale and twist.

Symmetry qL SOP

Mirrors the shape of a geometry based on topological symmetry, leaving original topology and existing attributes intact.

Thickness qL SOP

Stores the "thickness" of the geometry in an attribute.

Triangle Grid qL SOP

Generates a grid of well placed triangles.

UV Quickshade qL SOP

Applies an image file as a textured shader to a surface (an enhanced version of [Node:sop/uvquickshade]).

Varmap qL SOP

Creates local variable mappings for attributes.

Vector Jitter qL SOP

Jitters angle and length of a vector attribute.

Vector qL SOP

Performs common operations between per-point vector attributes on the input geometry.

Vector Store qL SOP

Converts vector attributes to points (and vice versa), allowing any deforming SOP to work on vector attributes.

Weighted Transform qL SOP

Transforms points weighted by an attribute on the geometry.

Xform to BBox qL SOP

Fits the input geometry into the bounding box of a secondary geometry.

AttribCopy SOP qL POP

Copy the specified attribute from a SOP geometry to the corresponding particles.

Fetch SOP qL POP

A POP node to fetch points of a SOP geometry as particles.

Force qL POP

A VOP POP implementation of the regular Force POP.

Take Merge qL ROP

Merges specified takes together into a (temporary) new take, then renders the result.

Motion Vectors qL SHOP

Motion vector shader.

Motion Vectors qL VOP

Calculates pixel motions in different spaces.

Superellipse qL VOP VOP

Generates a superellipse shape in UV space.

Spec Section

Camera Rig qL OBJ

Camera rig for cinematic camera motion creation.

Checker-3D qL SOP

Generates a 3D checkerboard color pattern on the points of a geometry.

Pose Blend qL SOP

Allows to define blend shapes on a character in different poses.

Prepare Pose Blend qL SOP

Prepare a goal shape for the Pose Blend qL operation.

Space Loop qL SOP

Loops space in a box.

Space Partition qL SOP

Group geometry (points or primitives) by partitioning space along the main axes into specified number of segments.

UV Tile qL SOP

Generates tiled UV map for polygonal geometry.

Future Section

Distance qL OBJ

Measures the distance between two objects.

Environment qL OBJ

Sets environment variables defined in environment scripts.

Attr Lookup Multi qL SOP

Value-remapping of per-point geometry attributes using lookup curves.

Attrib Ramp qL SOP

Creates a new attribute by mapping a point attribute to a ramp.

Box qL SOP

An alternative version of the Box SOP, with differently-fashioned parameters.

Camera Frustrum qL SOP

Builds the geometric representation of a camera viewing frustrum.

Curve Refs qL SOP

Generate non-flipping tangent/normal/up vectors for all points on curves.

Deform-by-Surface qL SOP

Deforms input geometry using a NURBS surface.

Distance qL (Length qL?) SOP

Measures and displays the distance between two geometry points.

Group to Attr qL SOP

Converts (primitive/point) groups to a string attribute where the values contain the corresponding group names.

Match Points Order qL SOP

Tries to match point order of a geometry by using the order from a 2nd (reference) geometry.

Noise qL SOP

Modulates point positions or some other attribute by a noise.

Occlusion qL SOP

Simple per-point occlusion SOP (initial prototype).

Orient qL SOP

Converts between different representations of per-point orientation (rotation).

Peak qL SOP

Enhanced version of the original SOP node with the same name.

PointJitter qL SOP

Jitter points in random directions, along three main axes.

PolyWireCurves qL SOP

Turns all edges of a polymesh to linear curves.

PrimGroup Add IDs qL SOP

Creates the per-primitive piece ID attribute for geometry pieces (PrimGroup family SOP).

PrimGroup Centroids qL SOP

Builds a point cloud, where each point represents a centroid of a primitive group ('PrimGroup family' SOP).

PrimGroup SDF qL SOP

Generate a separate SDF volume representation for each primitive group (PrimGroup family SOP).

PrimGroups Extract Tool qL SOP

Build separate objects for specified primitive groups of a SOP node.

Proxy PrimGroups qL SOP

Creates a proxy version of each primitive group by wrapping a low resolution proxy around them (PrimGroup family SOP).

Rest Position qL SOP

Convenience SOP node for saving and restoring rest position attributes.

Round Corners qL SOP

Replaces points (i.e. corners) with circular arcs in polygonal curves.

Split Multi qL SOP

Recursively splits a NURBS-type (NURBS, mesh, bezier) geometry (alternating in U and V directions).

TimeBlend qL SOP

An enhanced version of the original [Node:sop/timeblend] node.

Twist qL SOP

Twists geometry along axis.

Waypoint qL SOP

Represents a 'waypoint' in a complex SOP network, where expensive intermediate results can be saved to disk and re-used.

Xform by Points qL SOP

Transforms geometry groups, using point cloud points for individual placement (PrimGroup family SOP).

Empty Fractured Object qL DOP

Creates empty DOP objects based on primitive groups of a SOP Geometry.


Fetch pre-generated SDF representations from a 'PrimGroup SDF qL' SOP node.

Optransform qL VOP

Imports an object's transformation matrix.

Experimental Section

Note qL OBJ

A simple object-level node for storing notes and images to be quickly accessed/displayed.

Null qL OBJ

An alternative Null object node.

Shot qL OBJ

Node for storing information about the shot the hip file belongs to.

Take qL OBJ

Manipulates takes.

Attrib Transfer qL SOP

An alternative version of the regular Attrib Transfer SOP.

Default Geo qL SOP

The default geometry with some additional options.

Deform by Point Cloud qL SOP

Deforms geometry by arbitrary point cloud.

Group Visualize qL SOP

Visualization of geometry groups (points or primitives).

Illustration qL SOP

Renders a "step-by-step" illustration guideline of a SOP network.

Place 3 Points qL SOP

Transforms geometry by the transformation defined by 3 points.

Ray & Smooth qL SOP

A convenience operator for geometry wrapping.

Rivet qL SOP

A SOP implementation of the Rivet object node.

Switch Off qL SOP

Outputs empty geometry instead of the input if its switch is off.

Topologist qL SOP

A semi-interactive node for finding incorrect geometry source(s) in a SOP graph.

Trail Scatter qL SOP

Scatters points on the motion trail of a geometry (for particle/fluid emission).

Ground Plane qL POP

An infinite collision ground plane.

Limit qL POP

Applies spatial boundaries to particles using the bounds of a geometric object.

Pre/Post qL ROP

Fixed version of the original pre-post node.

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