Control a Motor and read a AB Encoder using STM32 MCU.
Software: Robot Operating System and LibSerial.
Version: kinetic, melodic, noetic.
$ sudo apt-get install -y libserial-dev
$ cd <catkin_workspace>/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ roslaunch stm32_dcmotor_serial stm32_dcmotor.launch
$ rosrun stm32_dcmotor_serial STM32_DCMotor_client <duty>
Item | Type | Default | illustrate |
Serial_Port | String | "/dev/ttyACM0" | Serial Comunication with device(ex. Arduino, STM32, Renesas, Linkit board and MCU). |
Baund_rat | Int | 115200 | Setting device baund rate. |
character_size | Int | 8 | Setting device character size. |
stop_bits | Int | 1 | Setting device stop bits. |
parity | Int | 0 | Setting device parity. |
flow_control | Int | 1 | setting device flow control. |
pulse_resoution | Int | 512 | Setting pulse of rev. |
- Duty
Address | Address 0 | Address 1 | Address 2 |
data type | UINT8 | UINT8 | UINT8 |
data | direction(0 or 1) | duty hightbyte (0 - 100) | duty lowbyte (0 - 99) * 0.01 |
- Encoder counter
Address | Address 0 | Address 1 |
data type | UINT8 | UINT8 |
data | encoder cnt hightbyte | encoder cnt lowbyte |
[1]. LibSerial.
[2]. STM_DCMotor_Encoder.
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