Matlab code of Bayesian CP Factorization for Tensor Completion
We provide two demo codes: I. DemoBayesCP.m: Demonstration on synthesic data II. DemoBayesCP_Image.m Demonstration for image completion
The package includes four algorithms:
- BCPF.m BCPF for fully observed tensor
- BCPF_TC.m BCPF for incomplete tensor
- BCPF_IC.m BCPF for image completion
- BCPF_MP.m BCPF using mixture priors for image completion
In this package, we used the tensor toolbox 2.5, which is downloaded from (
The tools for visualization of tensor with voxels is from Tensorlab (
Referecne: Q. Zhao, L. Zhang, and A. Cichocki. Bayesian CP factorization of incomplete tensors with automatic rank determination. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 37(9):1751–1763, 2015.