Custom interface video player which has various interactive gestures.
- Support to tap and drag bottom slider seek play progress.
- Support to slide left half of the screen up or down to adjust brightness.
- Support to slide right half of the screen up or down to adjust sound.
- Support to slide the screen left or right to seek play progress.
- Support to download network video so next time play directly with cached data.
Add pod 'SRVideoPlayer' to the Podfile, then run pod install in the terminal.
Drag the SRVideoPlayer folder to the project.(Note: If the project has already import Masonry, you should remove it which in the SRVideoPlayer folder.)
Creates and returns a video player with video's URL, playerView and playerSuperView.
@param videoURL The URL of the video.
@param playerView The view which you want to display the video.
@param playerSuperView The playerView's super view.
@return A newly video player.
+ (instancetype)playerWithVideoURL:(NSURL *)videoURL playerView:(UIView *)playerView playerSuperView:(UIView *)playerSuperView;
- (void)play;
- (void)pause;
- (void)resume;
- (void)destroyPlayer;
UIView *playerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.width)]; =;
[self.view addSubview:playerView];
_videoPlayer = [SRVideoPlayer playerWithVideoURL:_videoURL playerView:playerView playerSuperView:playerView.superview];
_videoPlayer.videoName = @"Here Is The Video Name";
_videoPlayer.playerEndAction = SRVideoPlayerEndActionLoop;
[_videoPlayer play];
The action when the video play to end, default is SRVideoPlayerEndActionStop.
@property (nonatomic, assign) SRVideoPlayerEndAction playerEndAction;
The name of the video which will be displayed in the top center.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *videoName;
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