Welcome to our hub for guidelines and assets. We want to make it easy for you to promote Qilin or develop your own Qilin packages while respecting its brand and legal/licensing restrictions.
We want contributing to Qilin to be fun, enjoyable and educational for everyone. Changes and improvements are more than welcome! This repository serves as an official guide for creating custom packages for Qilin - if you disagree with some of our standards/practices, feel free to open an issue or make a pull request!
Qilin application was created and developed by Bartosz Łaniewski. The full list of contributors can be found here. Qilin's code is BSD-3-Clause licensed. We also provide an additional "patent" grant for the text editor.
Qilin guidelines are licensed under MIT license. There's no additional "patent" grant for those guidelines. However, logos and official brand resources are Qilin's property and should not be used to promote other products.