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Code Index

A fast full-text searching tools based on Lucene.Net


  1. Support multiple indexes
  2. Auto monitoring indexed files changes
  3. Support various search (etc: fuzzy, wildcard, case-sensitive) on file content, name, location, extension
  4. Support Docker
  5. Support Visual Studio

Demonstrate Site


Run On Your Local


Go to CodeIndex.Server => appsettings.json

LuceneIndex => To your local empty folder, this folder will be going to store the index files and configuration files.

ManagerUsers => Config the users name, id, password that can management the indexes.

"CodeIndex": {
  "LuceneIndex": "D:\\TestFolder\\Index",
  "IsInLinux": "false",
  "MaximumResults": 10000,
  "ManagerUsers": [
      "Id": 1,
      "UserName": "Admin",
      "Password": "CodeIndex"

Run Server

Set CodeIndex.Server as the start up project, compile the project

Run it via visual studio or bash

dotnet CodeIndex.Server.dll --urls "http://:5000;https://:5001"

Config Indexes

In this page, you can add/remove/delete and config the index folder you want to monitoring and searching.

Config Indexes

Doing Search

Search By Files

It will return the matched infos with highlight in the whole file

Search By Files

Search By Lines

It will return the matched infos with highlight and matched line number

Search By Lines

Run With Docker

Support docker container, Docker hub

Docker Command Format

docker pull qiuhaotc/codeindex
docker run -d --name codeindex -p 8080:8080 -v "Your index folder":/luceneindex -v "Your code folder":/monitorfolder -v "Your logs folder":/app/Logs -e CodeIndex__MonitorFolderRealPath="Your real folder path" -e CodeIndex__ManagerUsers__0__UserName="Your Management User Name" -e CodeIndex__ManagerUsers__0__Password="Your Management Password" --restart=always qiuhaotc/codeindex
docker pull qiuhaotc/codeindex
docker run -d --name codeindex -p 8080:8080 -v /home/user/luceneindex:/luceneindex -v /home/user/codefolder:/monitorfolder -v /home/user/logs:/app/Logs -e CodeIndex__MonitorFolderRealPath="/home/user/codefolder" -e CodeIndex__ManagerUsers__0__UserName="Test" -e CodeIndex__ManagerUsers__0__Password="Dummy" --restart=always qiuhaotc/codeindex

Notice: in the docker container, when add the index config, the monitor folder should replace the actual path to start with "/monitorfolder", like the actually path is "/home/user/codefolder/mysourceA", the monitor folder should be "/monitorfolder/mysourceA"

Search Extension For Visual Studio

Status Value
VS Marketplace VS Marketplace
VS Marketplace Downloads VS Marketplace Downloads
VS Marketplace Installs VS Marketplace Installs

Download Url

Code Index Extension

Search Code

  1. Open the code index search window under: view => other window => code index search
  2. Config the service url to your own service
  3. Doing the search

Code Index Search Extension

Search Syntax

Phase Query

When Phase Query been ticked, we can search the content via the query like: str*ng abc, it will give the result such as "string abc", "strdummyng abc" as the search results, the results like "abc string" or "stng abc" won't return.

In Phase Query mode, currently only support wildcard matching for word like stri*, organi*tion

Phase Query Search

When Phase Quuery not been ticked, you can follow the sytax under to doing the search


When Case-Sensitive been ticked, we can search the content in case-sensitive mode. When search the content like String, it won't return the content that contains string


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Docker Pulls Downloads
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