In development we found the advantages of unit tests, and golang it self provides good test tools.
However, some test tools are too board, we have to add a layer for using it.
As well as the gorequest does to http.Request
we add a layer on httptest to make http unit test easy.
As the Testing Your (HTTP) Handlers in Go says, write a http unit for a http handler is a boring work.
We just simplify it into some several lines:
//badHandler is a handler always returns 400
func badHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, "not a regular name or password", http.StatusBadRequest)
//We want to test if it returns 400, we could write:
New("/bad", badHandler, t).Do().CheckCode(http.StatusBadRequest)
//So the 200 is as follows:(this is always fail)
New("/ok", badHandler, t).Do().CheckCode(http.StatusOK)
//Add header to request, and just do a request, using POST:
New("/", badHandler, t).Post().AddParams("name", "value1").AddParams("nam22", "value3").Do()
//Add cookie to request, and test if the response body contains a certain string:
New("/", cookieHandler, t).Get().AddCookies(cookie).Do().CheckBodyContains("testcookievalue")
//Just get the *http.ResponseRecorder, do every thing your self.
rr = New("/dump", headerHandler, t).Post().AddParams("name", "value1").Do().GetResponseRecorder()
//Get the cookie, for further testing
cookie = New("/dump", headerHandler, t).Post().AddParams("name", "value1").Do().GetCookie()
//We forget to add parameter to request
New("/ok", badHandler, t).AddParams("a", "aa").AddParams("b", "bb").Do().CheckCode(http.StatusOK)
//Use http basic auth:
New("/bad", badHandler, t).SetBasicAuth(username, password).Do().CheckCode(http.StatusBadRequest)
//Use your self-defined http.Request:
New("/bad", badHandler, t).SetRequest(req).Do().CheckCode(http.StatusBadRequest)
//And more in test file and source code.
Don't forget .Do()
- Add common layer for request.
- Add common header, parameter for request.
- Do wrapper on httptest.ResponseRecorder
- Do better wrapper on body test, such as json.