adddate adds years, months and days to a base date according to a format.
When you have installed the Go, Please execute following go get
go get -u
$ adddate -h
adddate adds years, months and days to a base date according to a format.
adddate [-y years] [-m months] [-d days]
[-b basedate | -f format | -b basedate -f format]
Arguments are:
-y years
adding years
-m months
adding months
-d days
adding days
-b basedate
base date (default: today (ex. 20190701))
When don't use with -f option, a format is yyyymmdd
-f format
base date format by Go (default: 20060102)
When don't use with -b option, a value is 20060102
Ryuji Iwata
This tool is mainly using by myself. :-)