This provides a brief overview of the Python-based software available to run experiments in the QT3 Lab. These tools were developed for the Quantum Light Microscope microscope and its specific set of hardware. However, many of these components should be reusable on other microscopes with similar hardware.
The programmable hardware currently used on the confocal microscope in QT3 (Sep 2022) are
- National Instruments PCIx-6363 data acquisition card (NIDAQ)
- Windfreak PRO RF Synthesizer (microwave source)
- Quantum Composer Sapphire 4-channel TTL pulse generator
- Spin Core Pulse Blaster
Additionally, there are
- Jena Systems's Piezo Actuator stage controlled via NIDAQ
- AOM driver controlled by TTL
- Microwave switch controlled by TTL
- Excelitas SPCM photon detector, which
- produces 50 ns TTL pulse output / photon
- connects via BNC to digital input on NIDAQ
- Arduino-controlled Neutral Density wheel for laser power control
The qt3utils
software configures readout of NIDAQ and can return raw counts
or count rates of the input TTL signal from the SPCM.
Finally, TTL pulses provided by the QC Sapphire (or Pulse Blaster) are used to provide
- clock signal
- trigger signal
to the NIDAQ.
The following packages have been developed
The qt3-utils
package is the primary package
that experimenters will interact with directly. The qt3utils
package provides
- NIDAQ configuration (via
) - high level objects for data acquisition
- raw data sampler
- piezo scanner
- "standard" experiment objects (CWODMR, Rabi, pulsed-ODMR, etc)
- GUI applications
- qt3scope
- qt3scan
Installation of qt3-utils
will result in the installation of all packages described in
this document except for qt3laserpowercontrol.
The qt3scope
measures the event rate of a TTL pulse connected to a digital input channel on
the NIDAQ as a function of time (and appears like an oscilloscope)
The qt3-utils
package installs the qt3scope
application and is launched
from the command-line (on Windows, the Anaconda Powershell has been used).
> qt3scope
NB: The data shown here are randomly generated values and the GUI style will be different on Windows
The qt3scan
, installed by qt3-utils
, measures the event rate of a TTL pulse
connected to a digital input channel on the NIDAQ as a function of position,
as controlled by the Jena Piezo controller.
> qt3scan
NB: The data shown here are randomly generated values and the GUI style will be different on Windows
While qt3scan
and qt3scope
can run simultaneously, they cannot sample data
from the NIDAQ simultaneously. One must stop acquisition in one application before
starting acquisition in the other. However, the applications can remain open.
Attempting to acquire data in both applications simultaneously will result in error messages
displayed in the console / shell.
Potentially more useful than the GUIs are the high level software objects that interact with the hardware and provide methods for data acquisition. This will support long running or more advanced experiments. These mid- and high-level objects found in the following examples are also used as the foundational pieces for the GUI applications. These high level objects are useful within Jupyter notebooks, allowing the experimenter full control and visualization.
The nipiezeojenapy
package controls the Jena piezo stage controller via the NIDAQ.
The software is quite simple and can be used entirely stand-alone.
For example
import nipiezojenapy
pcon = nipiezojenapy.PiezoControl(device_name = 'Dev1',
write_channels = ['ao0','ao1','ao2'],
read_channels = ['ai0','ai1','ai2'])
#[39.953595487425225, 40.047631567251806, 39.9510191567554]
pcon.go_to_position(x = 20, y = 20, z = 20)
#[19.935887437291537, 19.94876864898489, 19.872769502734947]
The nipiezojenapy
package installs the qt3piezo
application, which
is launched from the command-line / powershell.
> qt3piezo
NB: The GUI style will be different on Windows
It should also be noted that nipiezojenapy
does NOT block usage of the NIDAQ
to other programs. Thus, one can use this GUI application in conjunction
with qt3scope
and qt3scan
while they are running.
The QC Sapphire TTL pulser can be controlled through a purely Pythonic API.
The GH repo provides full documentation.
From that documentation, the following example shows one simple usage
import qcsapphire
pulser = qcsapphire.Pulser('COM6')
total_width = 10e-6 #in seconds
channel ='B') #QC Sapphire channel B is connected to the MW amplifier switch
#create a 5 microsecond pulse
#round to nearest 10ns bc QCSapphire does not behave well with machine errors
channel.width(np.round(total_width/2, 8))
pulser.system.state(1) #start the pulser
The QC Sapphire has limited functionality and is only useful for CWODMR, PulsedODMR and Rabi oscillations. It's not possible, based on our understanding, for this device to generate the pulse sequences necessary for spin-echo, Ramsey, and dynamical decoupling.
The qt3rfsynthcontrol
package provides high-level objects to programmatically control the Windfreak RF Synthesizer Pro.
Like the QC Sapphire pulser, this package is used extensively within the standard
experiment classes found in qt3-utils
The following provides a short example of usage
import qt3rfsynthcontrol
rf_synth = qt3rfsynthcontrol.QT3SynthHD('COM5')
rf_synth.rf_off(0) #0 = channel A, 1 = channel B
rf_synth.set_power(-5) #dbmW
The pulseblaster comes installed
via qt3-utils. Usage can be found in the qt3utils example folder.
The primary module within qt3utils is src/qt3utils/pulsers/
where a number of classes have been defined which can set up pulse sequences
for CWODMR, PulseODMR, Rabi, Ramsey, spin-echo and dynamical decoupling.
Those objects can be used with their corresponding experiment classes found
in src/qt3utils/experiments
The qt3laserpowercontrol aims to provide the experimenter with control of laser power via an ND wheel placed in the path of the laser. The position of the ND wheel is controlled by an applied voltage, supplied by a programmable Arduino board. At the moment, this tool is accessible through a GUI interface.