Make sure to have php@8 and composer installed for this project. Make sure to have node -v ^18
1. Create a new github repository and select qteab/gatsby-wordpress-template
as template.
2. Clone the repository locally and branch out to dev
git clone <github-repository-url>
cd <github-repository-name>
git checkout dev
3. Install dependencies
4. Composer Install
make sure you're using php 8
php -v
brew unlink php@7.4
brew link php@8
Composer install
cd theme
composer install
cd ..
1. Create a new Wordpress page. (Make sure to use dev8 for php8)
Enter domain (lower-case letters)
Select type Gatsby.
Select language: "Svenska" or "English".
Enter wordpress information:
- Site Title: ProjectName
- Username: admin
- Password: (save in 1password @gatsby)
- Your Email:
- Install Wordpress
- Login to dashboard
2. Activate plugins:
Activate all plugins in Wordpress. (Exclude: Akismet Anti-Spam and Hello Dolly)
1. In VS Code: Copy .env.example
in the project root to .env.development / .env.production
and edit your preferences.
// For other .env-variables use "GATSBY" as prefix:
2. Install Prepros.
3. Get SFTP login credentials:
- Contact Noah Olsson.
4. Add new project to Prepros:
- (On first time use: Press "browse") Press "+ Add Project" in the bottom left corner.
- Navigate to your project theme path ../ProjectName/theme
- Press Add Project.
5. Project Settings:
- Have your newly added project selected and press the hamburger menu in the top right corner.
- Press "Project Settings".
- In General tab - Set "Project Name" to match your project.
- In Upload tab:
- Select SFTP
- Host:
- Port: 22
- Username: Your SFTP Username
- Password: Your SFTP Password
- Remote Path: ./sites/
- Check Upload Automatically
- Close settings and navigate to the "upload" tab and press "Upload". Make sure all files get checked with a green checkmark. ✅
If you have any troubles setting up Prepros, contact Emanuel Ström.
- In Wordpress, activate the "QTE Gatsby Theme" in Appearence/theme.
1. In VS Code, go to the theme/acf/blocks folder, from the project root and create a new Flexible content block:
cd theme/acf/blocks
touch <block-name>.php
2. Add this template to the block file:
use Extended\ACF\Fields\Image;
use Extended\ACF\Fields\Layout;
use Extended\ACF\Fields\Text;
// replace Block Name with the name of the block
return Layout::make('Block Name', 'block-name')
// replace Block Name with the name of the block
graphql_label('Block Name'),
// Example fields:
Image::make('Background Image', 'background-image'),
Text::make('Title', 'title'),
3. Create Gatsby component
cd src/components/layout-blocks
mkdir <BlockName>
cd <BlockName>
touch index.tsx
touch <BlockName>.data.ts
touch <BlockName>.styled.ts
4. Add content to <BlockName>
// example fields
module.exports = () => `
image {
5. Add content to <BlockName>
import styled from "styled-components";
const Container = styled.div``;
const S = {
export default S;
6. Add content to index.tsx
import * as React from "react";
import { IWPImage } from "@/src/types"; //interface for image
import S from "./`<BlockName>`.styled";
export interface Props {
title: string;
image : IWPImage;
const `<BlockName>`: React.FC<Props> = ({title, image}) => {
return <S.Container>{title && title}</S.Container>
export default `<BlockName>`;
7. Add <BlockName>
component to src/components/core-blocks/Flexible/index.tsx
import * as React from "react";
// 1. Import the block and interface
import * as MainHero from "@/components/layout-blocks/MainHero";
import * as `<BlockName>` from "@/components/layout-blocks/`<BlockName>`"
// 2. Add enum BlockType
export enum BlockType {
// 3. Add layout-block interface
export interface IComponent extends MainHero.Props, `<BlockName>`.Props {
label: keyof typeof BlockType;
export interface IComponent extends MainHero.Props {
label: keyof typeof BlockType;
export interface IFlexible {
components: ReadonlyArray<IComponent>;
// 4. add layout-block as [BlockType.Example]: Example,
const BlockComponents = {
[BlockType.MainHero]: MainHero.default,
const Flexible: React.FC<IFlexible> = ({ components }) => {
return (
?.filter((c) => c)
.filter((c) => c.label)
.filter((c) => BlockType[c.label] !== undefined)
.map((comp, index) => {
const Component = BlockComponents[BlockType[comp.label]];
return <Component key={index} {...comp} />;
export default Flexible;
yarn develop
localhost in your browser
graphql in your browser