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This repository contains the main QuaDramA corpus. It is forked from GerDraCor (revision 526283b). Since then, we added a) some plays and b) various levels of annotations.

Added plays

  • Translations of Shakespeare plays
  • Translations of Greek plays


Character Relations

Character relations encode the information given in the Dramatis Personae and make it machine-readable. This is mainly about family and power relations.

Sub corpus

The following table shows an overview of the annotated sub corpus

Id Author Title #Relations #Characters
11f81.0.xml Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Clavigo 2 10
11g5f.0.xml Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Der Großkophta 4 25
m0br.0.xml Cronegk, Johann Friedrich von Der Mißtrauische 5 7
n2kq.0.xml Freytag, Gustav Graf Waldemar 6 19
nfhm.0.xml Gleich, Joseph Alois Der Eheteufel auf Reisen 20 49
nmg0.0.xml Grabbe, Christian Dietrich Don Juan und Faust 4 19
pkh4.0.xml Hauptmann, Carl Gaukler, Tod und Juwelier 0 33
pkhm.0.xml Hauptmann, Carl Die armseligen Besenbinder 3 32
pkj2.0.xml Hauptmann, Carl Ephraims Breite 4 29
pkng.0.xml Hebbel, Friedrich Der gehörnte Siegfried 6 9
qggj.0.xml Holz, Arno Die Familie Selicke 11 8
qkp7.0.xml Immermann, Karl Das Gericht von St. Petersburg 3 38
r0jz.0.xml Kleist, Heinrich von Amphitryon 3 15
r1zm.0.xml Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb Der Tod Adams 3 11
r2mv.0.xml Kotzebue, August von Die beiden Klingsberg 8 13
rkpt.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Nathan der Weise 4 14
rkq6.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Der Misogyn 3 7
rksp.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Emilia Galotti 4 13
rktc.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Die Juden 2 7
rkzk.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Der Schatz 3 8
rkzp.0.xml Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Damon, oder die wahre Freundschaft 0 5
s6kj.0.xml Lortzing, Albert (Gustav) Der Waffenschmied 4 11
sc8m.0.xml Meisl, Karl Der lustige Fritz 8 30
ssrb.0.xml Müllner, Adolph König Yngurd 13 35
t971.0.xml Raimund, Ferdinand Der Diamant des Geisterkönigs 5 35
tgw9.0.xml Rosenow, Emil Die im Schatten leben 8 14
v183.0.xml Schink, Johann Friedrich Der neue Doktor Faust 2 4
v3mw.0.xml Schlegel, Johann Elias Die stumme Schönheit 4 8
v3qp.0.xml Schnitzler, Arthur II. Der tapfere Cassian 0 4
v3vb.0.xml Schnitzler, Arthur Liebelei 2 9
vhgn.0.xml Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig Der Vetter in Lissabon 7 12
vrdc.0.xml Stephanie, Johann Gottlieb (der Jüngere) Der Schauspieldirektor 0 10
x37q.0.xml Wedekind, Frank Franziska. Ein modernes Mysterium in fünf Akten 2 38
x4q9.0.xml Weiße, Christian Felix Die Jagd 4 15
x9jv.0.xml Wohlbrück, Wilhelm August Der Vampyr 9 28


The following relations have been annotated:

Relation label Directed/Undirected Description
parent_of directed One character is a parent of the other
lover_of directed For lovers
related_with directed Other family relations (e.g. uncles)
associated_with directed For clearly associated characters (e.g., butlers)
siblings undirected Characters that have at least one parent in common
spouses undirected Characters in marriage (or engaged)
friends undirected Characters marked as being friends

All relations are marked in XML in a <listRelation> element in the <listPerson> element. Directed relations are encoded with an active and passive attribute, where the active part is always the one in front of the relation, if expressed as a sentence. E.g., Odoardo is parent of Emilia translates to a relation

<relation name="parent_of" active="#odoardo_galotti" passive="#emilia" />

Undirected relations use the mutual attribute to list all ids in the relationship:

<relation type="personal" name="spouses" mutual="#bärbel #adam"/>

The label from the table above is given as a name.


What you really need to know about the XML structure

  • Character speech is enclosed in <sp>-tags. <sp>-tags should have a who attribute that specifies who speaks (by listing their ids). If the character speech is in verse, it is given in lines with <l>-tags, otherwise it is in <p>-tags.
  • Speaker declarations are enclosed in <speaker>-tags, and are placed within a character speech (i.e., within an <sp>-tag).
  • Stage directions are enclosed in <stage>-tags, even if they are within a character speech.
  • Initial or concluding remarks (e.g., "Ende des Trauerspiels") are not part of a character's speech, and are enclosed in <trailer>-tags.
  • Speakers ids should be declared in the header of the TEI file (i.e., not in the dramatis personae section), under profileDesc/particDesc/listPerson.
  • Emphasis should be marked with <emph> (it is often marked as <hi>, which is too generic).


The main quadrama corpus






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