Simple module to test if current NODE_ENV is or is not within a list of allowed environments
It is simple as:
// for env = development
var env = require('env-is');
console.log('production')); // true if NODE_ENV is production
console.log(['production', 'staging'])); // true if NODE_ENV is production or staging
console.log(env.isNot('production')); // true if NODE_ENV is NOT production
console.log(env.isNot(['production', 'staging'])); // true if NODE_ENV is NOT production or staging
The return value of
will change depending on the value of NODE_ENV
NODE_ENV=production node app
Will return:
console.log('production')); //true
console.log(['production', 'staging'])); //true
console.log(env.isNot('production')); //false
console.log(env.isNot(['production', 'staging'])); //false
NODE_ENV=staging node app
Will return:
console.log('production')); //false
console.log(['production', 'staging'])); //true
console.log(env.isNot('production')); //true
console.log(env.isNot(['production', 'staging'])); //false
NODE_ENV=development node app
Will return
console.log('production')); //false
console.log(['production', 'staging'])); //false
console.log(env.isNot('production')); //true
console.log(env.isNot(['production', 'staging'])); //true