Steganabara is a tool for stegano analysis (steganalysis), with some of the ideas originated from my final year project.
As I solved many stegano challenges, Steganabara has now matured and is very effective on visual steganos, especially BaRa's challenges.
An image is basically a map of ARGB values. A popular method for hiding data is using the bit layers of the ARGB elements. The Bit Mask Filter helps you analyse the bit layers, either seperately or in combination. The amplify option can make things clearer for human eyes.
Another popular method is using different colors with similar RGB values that are indistinguishable by human eyes. But now with the Color Map Filter that trick won't work anymore.
This is a must-have feature for every visual stegano tool. With this you can investigate each pixel closely.
A histogram is like a fingerprint for an image. By looking at an image histogram, you can tell how much data is contained within it. And many wonderful things can be done with histogram analysis, notably image classification. For steganalysis, histograms can be a big help in detecting noises and distortion caused by the hidden data.
The Color Table provides a more detailed view of the histogram. Just like histograms, the statistics from the Color Table can help detecting the hidden data. And conveniently, double clicking on a row in the Color Table will take you to the Color Map for that color.
- Bit Mask Filter applied on a stegano-image from wikipedia
- TUTORIAL - Steganography in PNG Images by ARG Solving Station
- Bit Mask Filter used to solve a 3DS CTF 2016 challenge
- Bit Mask Filter used to solve a Sunshine CTF 2016 challenge
- Histogram analysis with Steganabara helped solve a ASIS CTF Quals 2014 challenge
- A Challengers Handbook by Caesum, with more information about steganography, reference to Steganabara and another tool for steganalysis - Stegsolve
If you encountered any bug with Steganabara, or have any idea for new features/techniques, you can either email me, post a comment in my blog, or post a comment on the OpenHub project page.