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Deconvolution of bulk expression profiles with a two-step Bayesian method.

Note that our package is built upon bMIND. All functions in the bMIND package are included with slightly modifications, which allows users to directly use the bMIND function. We highly recommend users not loading both bMIND package and our EPICunmix package at the same time to avoid conflicts.

Introduction of EPIC-unmix

EPIC-unmix is a two-step Bayesian method designed for cell-type-specific (CTS) analysis built upon the bMIND method. Similarly, it can provide sample-level CTS expression from the bulk RNA-seq data, with the aid of a reference panel derived from single-cell/single-nuclei RNA-seq data. The second layer of Bayesian method, which distinguishes EPIC-unmix from bMIND, could adjust for the heterogeneity between reference and target samples, leading to more enhanced and robust performance.

Instructions about running EPIC-unmix


  1. First, install the devtools package if you haven't already.

  2. Load the devtools package and install through Github.


Checklist before running the package

Data needed:

  • bulk RNA-seq data of the study samples;
  • single-cell or single-nuclei RNA-seq data as the reference;
  • estimated cell type proportions of bulk RNA-seq data, which could be obtained using MuSiC, or estimated through the est_frac() function which is also included in this package.

QC of bulk data

We recommend performing QC of bulk data before inferring cell-type-specific (CTS) profiles. For example, only keep the genes that are expressed in more than 80% of the samples.

	bulk = read.table("example/by_id.csv",sep=',',header=T,,check.names=F)
	n = dim(bulk)[2]
	n_express = apply(bulk, 1, function(x) sum(x > 0))
	bulk = bulk[(n_express > n*0.8),]

Read in cell type fraction

In this example, we provided cell type fraction, a sample by cell type matrix.

	frac <- read.table("example/fracs.csv", sep = ',', header=T, check.names=F) 

Read in sc/snRNA-seq reference

	sc_ref <- read.table("example/mat_train.csv",sep = ',',header=T,check.names=F)
	sc_meta <- read.table("example/meta_train.csv",sep = ',',header=T,check.names=F)
	# match cells
	index <- intersect(colnames(sc_ref),sc_meta$sample_name)
	sc_ref <- sc_ref[,index]
	sc_meta <- sc_meta[which(sc_meta$sample_name %in% index),]
	# match genes
	genes <- rownames(bulk)
	sc_ref <- sc_ref[genes,]
	# make sure the genes between bulk and reference are exactly the same
	bulk = bulk[order(rownames(bulk)),]
	sc_ref = sc_ref[order(rownames(sc_ref)),]
	colnames(sc_meta) <- c('sample_name','sample','cell_type')

First-step Bayesian inference

This step is the same as running the bMIND function.

	# get prior from reference
	prior = get_prior(sc_ref, meta_sc = sc_meta)

	# match bulk from prior because some genes would be dropped in this process
	bulk_sub <- bulk[rownames(bulk) %in% rownames(prior$profile),]
	bulk_sub <- bulk_sub[,order(colnames(bulk_sub))]
	frac <- frac[,order(colnames(frac))]
	celltype <- colnames(frac)
	colnames(frac) = paste0('c', 1:ncol(frac))
	dimnames(prior$cov)[[2]] = colnames(frac)
	dimnames(prior$cov)[[3]] = colnames(frac)
	colnames(prior$profile) = colnames(frac)

	# bMIND inference
	posterior = bMIND(bulk_sub, frac = frac, profile = prior$profile, covariance = prior$cov)
	## Note that if you have covariates that needed to be corrected, use the function below
	## posterior = bmind_de(bulk_sub, frac = frac, profile = prior$profile, covariance = prior$cov, covariate = covariate, noRE = F)

Note that the original bmind_de function in the bMIND package do not output the CTS profiles. We modified it to generate output that could be used in our second-step Bayesian inference.

Second-step Bayesian inference

The second-step Bayesian inference takes the output from bMIND() or bmind_de().

	epic_unmix = run_epic_unmix(bulk, frac, posterior, out_prefix = "example/epic_unmix")


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