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Create kogito-pmml quickstart guide
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= Using Kogito to add prediction capabilities to an application


This guide demonstrates how your Quarkus application can use Kogito to add business automation
to power it up with predictions.

Kogito is a next generation business automation toolkit that originates from the well known Open Source project
Drools (for predictions). Kogito aims at providing another approach
to business automation where the main message is to expose your business knowledge (processes, rules, decisions, predictions)
in a domain specific way.

== Prerequisites

To complete this guide, you need:

* less than 15 minutes
* an IDE
* JDK 11+ installed with `JAVA_HOME` configured appropriately
* Apache Maven {maven-version}
* Docker

== Architecture

In this example, we build a very simple microservice which offers one REST endpoint:

* `/LogisticRegressionIrisData`

This endpoint will be automatically generated based on given PMML file, that in turn will
make use of generated code to make certain predictions based on the data being processed.

=== PMML file

The PMML file describes the prediction logic of our microservice.
It should provide the actual model (Regression, Tree, Scorecard, Clustering, etc) needed to make the prediction.

=== Prediction endpoints

Those are the entry points to the service that can be consumed by clients.

== Solution

We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step.
However, you can go right to the complete example.

Clone the Git repository: `git clone {quickstarts-clone-url}`, or download an {quickstarts-archive-url}[archive].

The solution is located in the `kogito-pmml-quickstart` {quickstarts-tree-url}/kogito-pmml-quickstart[directory].

== Creating the Maven Project

First, we need a new project. Create a new project with the following command:

mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:{quarkus-version}:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=kogito-pmml-quickstart \
-Dextensions="kogito" \
cd kogito-pmml-quickstart

This command generates a Maven project, importing the `kogito` extension
that comes with all needed dependencies and configuration to equip your application
with business automation.

If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the `kogito` extension
to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:

./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="kogito"

This will add the following to your `pom.xml`:


== Writing the application

Predictions are evaluated based on a PMML model, whose standard and specifications may be read[here].
Let's start by adding a simple PMML file: `LogisticRegressionIrisData.pmml`. It contains a _Regression_ model named `LogisticRegressionIrisData`, and it uses a regression function to predict plant species from sepal and petal dimensions:

<PMML xmlns="" version="4.2">
<DataDictionary numberOfFields="5">
<DataField name="Sepal.Length" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="Sepal.Width" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="Petal.Length" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="Petal.Width" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="Species" optype="categorical" dataType="string">
<Value value="setosa"/>
<Value value="virginica"/>
<Value value="versicolor"/>
<RegressionModel functionName="classification" modelName="LogisticRegressionIrisData" targetFieldName="Species">
<MiningField name="Sepal.Length"/>
<MiningField name="Sepal.Width"/>
<MiningField name="Petal.Length"/>
<MiningField name="Petal.Width"/>
<MiningField name="Species" usageType="target"/>
<OutputField name="Probability_setosa" optype="continuous" dataType="double" feature="probability" value="setosa"/>
<OutputField name="Probability_versicolor" optype="continuous" dataType="double" feature="probability" value="versicolor"/>
<OutputField name="Probability_virginica" optype="continuous" dataType="double" feature="probability" value="virginica"/>
<RegressionTable targetCategory="setosa" intercept="0.11822288946815">
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="0.0660297693761902"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="0.242847872054487"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.224657116235727"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.0574727291860025"/>
<RegressionTable targetCategory="versicolor" intercept="1.57705897385745">
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.0201536848255179"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.44561625761404"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="0.22066920522933"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.494306595747785"/>
<RegressionTable targetCategory="virginica" intercept="-0.695281863325603">
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.0458760845506725"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Sepal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="0.202768385559553"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Length" exponent="1" coefficient="0.00398791100639665"/>
<NumericPredictor name="Petal.Width" exponent="1" coefficient="0.551779324933787"/>

During project compilation, Kogito will read the file and generate the classes needed for the evaluation, together with a couple of REST endpoints.

To get started quickly copy the PMML file from the

== Running and Using the Application

=== Running in Developer Mode

To run the microservice in dev mode, use `./mvnw clean quarkus:dev`.

=== Running in JVM Mode

When you're done playing with dev mode you can run it as a standard Java application.

First compile it:

./mvnw package

Then run it:

java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

=== Running in Native Mode

This same demo can be compiled into native code: no modifications required.

This implies that you no longer need to install a JVM on your
production environment, as the runtime technology is included in
the produced binary, and optimized to run with minimal resource overhead.

Compilation will take a bit longer, so this step is disabled by default;
let's build again by enabling the `native` profile:

./mvnw package -Dnative

After getting a cup of coffee, you'll be able to run this binary directly:


== Testing the Application

To test your application, just send a request to the service with giving the person as JSON

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/LogisticRegressionIrisData \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d '{ "Sepal.Length": 6.9, "Sepal.Width": 3.1, "Petal.Length": 5.1, "Petal.Width": 2.3 }'

In the response, you should see the prediction, that should be _virginica_:

"Species": "virginica"

You can also invoke the _descriptive_ endpoint, that will provide also the _OutputField_ evaluated:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/LogisticRegressionIrisData/descriptive \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d '{"person": {"name":"Jenny Quark", "age": 15}}'

"correlationId": null,
"segmentationId": null,
"segmentId": null,
"segmentIndex": 0,
"resultCode": "OK",
"resultObjectName": "Species",
"resultVariables": {
"Probability_setosa": 0.04871813160275851,
"Probability_versicolor": 0.04509592640753013,
"Probability_virginica": 0.9061859419897114,
"Species": "virginica"

== References

*[Kogito Website]
*[Kogito Documentation]

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