Complete changelog
#38200 - Fix a code example in RESTEasy Reactive doc
#38184 - Add necessary Vertx dependency to quarkus-cache
#38177 - ConfigRecorder: fix value changed check with null build-time values
#38157 - Unable to build native project depending on "quarkus-cache" without Vert.x dependency since 3.5.2
#38141 - [Gradle] make quarkusRun depend on quarkusBuild
#38124 - Add missing methods to ReactiveMongoCollection
#38114 - quarkus-mongodb-client ReactiveMongoCollection expose the Updates with Aggregation Pipeline method
#38111 - Bump io.quarkus:quarkus-platform-bom-maven-plugin from 0.0.101 to 0.0.102
#38102 - Fix Build Scan conditional publication
#38095 - Bump from 3.2.2 to 3.3.3
#38093 - doc: mention registration is per extension not per repo
#38082 - Add exclude and additional option to AssembleDownstreamDocumentation
#37643 - Fix JAXB unmarshalling error when compiling to native
#37633 - Netty requires more classes to be runtime initialized
#37379 - Gradle quarkusRun
does not keep the server up
#36479 - JAXB unmarshalling fails in native mode
You can’t perform that action at this time.