Complete changelog
#25101 - [CI] - quarkus-devtools-compat + Quarkus main
#27374 - Update Quarkus CLI doc for installing specific version of the CLI to avoid printing warnings
#39144 - WebSockets Next: documentation
#39315 - @ConfigMapping
handling of Maps is not compatible with old config classes
#39344 - Avro schemas aren't generated in isolation
#39345 - Isolate Avro schema code generation when using multiple schema files
#39363 - Initial version of the WebSocket Next documentation
#39413 - Refresh documentation (and some tests) of the Hibernate Search + ORM extension
#39427 - Enforce authorization code flow access token verification if JsonWebToken
is injected
#39428 - Enforce OIDC UserInfo acquisition if UserInfo
is injected
#39441 - RESTEasy Reactive dependency added to deployment classpath of nearly all Quarkus apps
#39445 - Remove Quarkus REST deployment dependency from Vertx HTTP deployment
#39447 - Save concat indy allocations on JarResource::getResourceURL
#39454 - Bump org.jboss.threads:jboss-threads from 3.5.1.Final to 3.6.0.Final
#39458 - Enforce OIDC UserInfo acquisition and authorization code flow access token verification if UserInfo and JsonWebToken beans are injected
#39467 - Fix codestarts compatibility with older CLI
#39468 - ChainBuildException - Cycle detected after #39352 PR
#39470 - Remove the old MetricBuildItem SPI
#39471 - Update to Vert.x 4.5.5
#39472 - Update SmallRye Config to 3.7.0
#39474 - Use explicit jar reference instead of GAV to avoid duplicate log warning
#39476 - Fix the broken link to the OIDC client reference doc
#39477 - Adjust toggle names in OTel InstrumentBuildTimeConfig
#39479 - 3.9.0.CR2: NoClassDefFoundError: io/quarkus/security/spi/runtime/SecurityEvent
#39480 - Fix security spi dependency on OTel
#39487 - Allow occasional pin events in ShouldNotPin
#39491 - Ignore the split access and refresh token cookies for resolving the tenant
#39519 - OpenTelemetry - respect proxy settings in VertxGrpcExporter and VertxHttpExporter
#39522 - Fix typos in rest doc
#39530 - Update profile section in building-native-image.adoc
#39531 - Use SmallRye Commons Inet
#39533 - Class loader leak in configuration
#39536 - Bump org.postgresql:postgresql from 42.7.2 to 42.7.3
#39541 - Update SmallRye Config to 3.7.1
#39543 - Enable proxy configuration for OpenTelemetry exporters
#39562 - Bump io.smallrye.config:smallrye-config-source-yaml from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 in /devtools/gradle
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