All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Keyword highlighting for Arduino IDE
- A bug that prevented the use of the library
- Platformio library manager support
- Improved code safety and cleaning
- The getDirection() method
- The following methods to detect the motor's status:
- isForceStopped()
- isStopped()
- isForward()
- isReverse()
- Better Doxigen-style comments
- This changelog format is now based on Keep a Changelog
- Rewrote the changelog to accomplish what about the previous point
- Renamed the changelog file for the same purpose
- Updated the repository URL
- Updated
- Made the code more modular and extensible
- Made a general cleanup of the code
- Merged the examples that share most code
- The getDirection() method is now replaced by the methods isForward(), isReverse(), isStopped() and isForceStopped()
- Now is possible to change the motor direction without affect the current speed using a dedicated method
- A method to get the direction of the motor
- A method to get the current PWM value
- A method to "force stop" the motor
- Updated
- Now the class L293_standalone is named L293
- Rewrote the code for the L293 class
- Now the method setSpeedOffset() is named setPWMOffset()
- A bug about the timing when switching a motor from the forward mode to the reverse mode and viceversa, now it is immediate
- A new class named L293_twoWire, derived from L293_standalone, that adds support for motor control using only two wires.
- Better comments to the code
- The file
- New examples
- Corrected some mistakes in
- Updated the old examples
- Now the class L293 is named L293_ standalone
- Now the speed Offset can be a value beetween -255 and 255
- Some useless code
- Updated the repository URL
- Rewrited
- Unreleased library files