QKumaScript is an experimental scripting language using Bison.
// make to build
$ make
// run a test script
$ ./qks.exe tests/a1.qks
You can see sample scripts under the tests folder.
program ::= statement_list
statement_list ::= statement*
statement ::= statement_no_semicolon ';'
| "if" '(' exp ')' statement_list_paren else_part
| ( "while" '(' exp | "for" '(' statement_no_semicolon ';' exp ';' statement_no_semicolon ) ')' statement_list_paren
statement_no_semicolon ::= ( ( "print" | "println" | "debug" | "return" | "var"? VAR '=' )? function_or_exp )?
statement_list_paren ::= '{' statement_list '}'
else_part ::= ( "else" statement_list_paren )?
function_or_exp ::= "function" '(' parameter? ( ',' parameter )* ')' statement_list_paren
| exp
exp ::= ( '!' | '-' | exp ( "**" | '*' | '/' | '%' | '+' | '-' | '<' | "==" | "&&" | "||" ) ) exp
| '(' exp ')'
| VAR ( '(' argument? ( ',' argument )* ')' )?
argument ::= exp
parameter ::= VAR