New version here :
French official website project :
DAWA is an Arduino datalogger (and laptimer) shield for your motorbike. It records 10 times per seconds in a CSV file lots of information.
- Raw data acquisition : On Triumph bikes and many others, ECU values can be directly read (I personnaly use : RPM, SPEED, GEAR POSITION, THROTTLE and BRAKE state)
- Environement values : A 9-axis sensor (BNO055) is used to store G-forces and I hope soon, roll and pitch
- Position values : A UBLOX 10Hz GPS chip gets realtime coordinates
- Infrared temperatures : You can plug up to 4 infrared temperature sensors (tyres or ground t° for example)
- Analog inputs : You can measure up to 6 analog inputs (suspension sensors for exemple)
Everything is stored on a micro SD card.
10 times per seconds, a new line is created in a CSV file. This line contains every data values separated by a semicolon.
Current values are displayed in realtime on the OLED screen attached.
YES ! Since v4 and the integration of a 10Hz GPS chip, laptimer functions are available.
I couldn't make it easier !
Press the button start recording, press again stop recording :)
One CSV file is created on each new record.
A little bit more difficult, you have to put a file named "TRACKS.CSV" on the sdcard.
This file will contain track name and finishline coordinates, one line per track :
<trackname>;<finishline lat. A>;<finishline lon. A>;<finishline lat. B>;<finishline lon. B>
To keep precision, latitude and longitude should be converted to integers (multiply by 10 000 000).
When start recording the closer track is automatically chosen.
Bluetooth connection is usefull in these 2 cases :
- You just finish your track session and want to know lap times / best lap
- Before using DAWA, some parameters could be adjusted, use the bluetooth console to setup them !
I'm using "Serial Bluetooth Terminal" on Androïd. Connect and type "help" to view all available commands
- Laptimer split time : Add split time management
- Lean angle : Seems easy but in fact very complicated to obtain good values without drift
- /Arduino - The .ino file you need to put in the Arduino M0
- /Documentation - Some brief explanations about this shield (french - not translated)
- /Eagle Libraries - All Eagle parts I use in my schematics
- /Eagle Sources - Eagle files of this project
- /Gerber Sources - Last Gerber files, used to produce PCB
- /Partslist - A detailed BOM list