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QUIC Extensions Interop

Quoc-Viet Nguyen edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 9 revisions


This document lists QUIC extensions participating in the QUIC extension interop.

  • QUIC Version draft-27 (vn=ff00001b)

  • HTTP 3 (ALPN=h3-27)

  • HTTP 0.9/1.1 (ALPN=hq-27)

  • Record interop results here

  • List of implementations here

Extensions Tested

Feel free to add your extension to this list. When picking a code, please do not reuse letters already defined in the main implementation draft.

Extension code details
Delayed ACKs a TBD
Loss bits q TBD
Datagram g Can be tested using Siduck
Quic-bit-grease allowed b Tested by just running against a server, and checking whether Quic Bit is greased in received packets
Quic-bit-grease implemented i Tested by just running against a server, and checking whether it accepts greased Quic Bits
Time-stamp t TBD
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