This plugin allows you to use Quobyte with Docker. The plugin is intended to run without installing the Quobyte client on the host system (e.g. for Rancher/CoreOS) but by using a Quobyte client run in a Docker container.
OS | Docker Version |
CentOS 7.2 | 1.10.3 |
Ubuntu 16.04 | 1.11.2 |
Ubuntu 16.04 | 1.12.0 |
CoreOS 1097.0.0 | 1.11.2 |
As described previously a Quobyte multi volume mount has to be available on the host the plugin is intended to run upon. For this setup we recommend running a dockerized Quobyte client. For more information on how to set up a Quobyte Client Docker container look at the example in docs/ or the Quobyte manual (Integration -> Quobyte and Container Infrastructures -> Quobyte Containers - Deep Dive -> Running a Quobyte Client inside a Container).
Using a locally installed client works fine, too, if this type of installation is preferred.
Download the latest binary and the systemd files from the releases page. For example, in order to download version 1.3.1
of this plugin run the following step:
curl -LO
tar xfz docker-quobyte-plugin.tar.gz
This step is optional and should only be used if Quobytes build-in user database is used.
$ qmgmt -u <api-url> user config add docker <email>
Install systemd files and set your variables in systemd/docker-quobyte.env.sample
$ cp systemd/docker-quobyte.env.sample /etc/quobyte/docker-quobyte.env
$ cp bin/docker-quobyte-plugin /usr/local/bin/
$ cp systemd/docker-quobyte-plugin.service /lib/systemd/system
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start docker-quobyte-plugin
$ systemctl enable docker-quobyte-plugin
$ systemctl status docker-quobyte-plugin
Also ensure that the "MountFlags=slave"
option is not active in the docker systemd unit file, as noted in the Quobyte manual container setup section.
Configuration is done mainly through the systemd environment file (please note that the QUOBYTE_MOUNT_PATH is required to match the mount point of the Quobyte Clients Docker volume mount point):
# Maximum number of filesystem checks when a Volume is created before returning an error
# Maximum wait time for filesystem checks to complete when a Volume is created before returning an error
# Group to create the unix socket
# ID of the Quobyte tenant in whose domain volumes are managed by this plugin
# Default volume config for new volumes, can be overridden via --opt flag 'configuration_name'
The cli allows passing all options.:
$ bin/docker-quobyte-plugin -h
Usage of bin/docker-quobyte-plugin:
-api string
URL to the API server(s) in the form http(s)://host[:port][,host:port] or SRV record name (default "http://localhost:7860")
-configuration_name string
Name of the volume configuration of new volumes (default "BASE")
-group string
Group to create the unix socket (default "root")
-max-fs-checks int
Maximimum number of filesystem checks when a Volume is created before returning an error (default 5)
-max-wait-time float
Maximimum wait time for filesystem checks to complete when a Volume is created before returning an error (default 64)
-options string
Fuse options to be used when Quobyte is mounted (default "-o user_xattr")
-password string
Password for the user to connect to the Quobyte API server (default "quobyte")
-path string
Path where Quobyte is mounted on the host (default "/run/docker/quobyte/mnt")
-registry string
URL to the registry server(s) in the form of host[:port][,host:port] or SRV record name (default "localhost:7861")
-tenant_id string
Id of the Quobyte tenant in whose domain the operation takes place (default "NO-DEFAULT-CHANGE-ME")
-user string
User to connect to the Quobyte API server (default "admin")
Shows version string
Please note that using the environment file for setting the password is strongly encouraged over using the cli parameter.
The following plugin specific options can be injected through the docker client:
--opt user=<default user for the given volume>
--opt group=<default group for the given volume>
--opt configuration_name=<volume configuration name>
--opt tenant_id=<tenant id for the given volume operation>
$ docker volume create --driver quobyte --name <volumename>
# Set user, group and a non default volume configuration for the new volume
$ docker volume create --driver quobyte --name <volumename> --opt user=docker --opt group=docker --opt configuration_name=SSD_ONLY
You can create a new volume with a specific initial directory path inside by adding the directory path to be initialized to the volume name:
$ docker volume create --driver quobyte --name <volumename/with/a/path>
This results in a new volume with name volumename
containing the directory path /with/a/path
Important: Be careful when using this. The volume removal allows removing any volume accessible in the configured tenant!
$ docker volume rm <volumename>
$ docker volume ls
$ docker run --volume-driver=quobyte -v <volumename>:/vol busybox sh -c 'echo "Hello World" > /vol/hello.txt'
Get the code
$ go get -u
For the dependency management we use golang dep
$ go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/docker-quobyte-plugin .
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/docker-quobyte-plugin .
$ docker run --rm -v "$GOPATH":/work -e "GOPATH=/work" -w /work/src/ golang:1.8 go build -v -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/quobyte-docker-plugin
Common issues or pitfalls.
The Docker Quobyte plugin can successfully access the backend and create the volume but the new volume is not shown in the plugins mount point.
In this case ensure that the Quobyte client mount on the plugins host is working properly. This means ensuring the Quobyte client is running, can contact the registry service and can access the volumes of the tenant used by the Docker Quobyte plugin. If IP based access control is used ensure the host belongs to the IP address range the Quobyte tenant is restricted to.
The API service used by the plugin does not return JsonRPC data.
Check the Docker Quobyte plugins API settings. Either the configured API URL/port is wrong, and the plugin connects to the wrong service/port, or the authentication to the API service uses incorrect userid/password values.
This may be caused by metadata caching.
Disable metadata caching in the volume configuration of the given volume, e.g. by setting:
metadata_cache_configuration {
cache_ttl_ms: 0
negative_cache_ttl_ms: 0
enable_write_back_cache: false