Workshop materials and experiments for property based testing tutorial at the Joy of Coding 2015 and ACCU 2016 conferences.
The tutorial comes in two flavours:
- Javascript - because virtually everyone has to use it these days
- Haskell - because that is where property-based testing really gained traction with QuickCheck
See Changelog
There are several options available for doing this tutorial:
- work with a NodeJS or Haskell installation on your machine
- work in the cloud (Javascript only)
Clone this repository
git clone
The Javascript tutorial uses the jsverify library, one of the available Javascript property based testing libraries.
Provided you have Node and NPM installed:
cd exercises/js
npm install jsverify
npm install underscore
cd exercises/hsmoney
stack build
Run the tests with
stack build joy && stack exec joy
Or use the repl, see the detailed README for instructions.
Cloud9 provides a development environment in the cloud:
You can sign up; it provides a development environment including editors, a terminal, NodeJS and Git support.
Sign in / Log in, open a terminal, and clone this repository:
git clone
Install the required Node modules:
cd property-based-tutorial/exercises/js
npm install jsverify
npm install underscore
In practice we usually do example based testing. We write an example of how a function or system under test behaves. Examples can communicate very well. It might be difficult to catch all corner cases. And with example based test, we try to find a minimal set of examples, to keep the maintenance burden low.
Example based testing provides just a few data points to capture the system under test. How do you know that you've actually caught those pesky corner cases in your examples?
Property based testing takes a different approach:
- you define properties - invariants of the system-under-test
- the property based testing library generate lots of random input data
- the system under test is run with this input data and the testing library verifies that the invariants hold under all inputs
In our experience, property based testing can be beneficial in several cases:
- Characterization testing - understand existing libraries, quickly test a wide range of cases (e.g. numeric types or libraries to represent money).
- Testing validation logic
- Testing mappings / adapters
- Finding pesky corner cases
- When example based testing gets repetitive and/or you want to check many cases, and there is no obvious way to express the variations succinctly. Or when your examples don’t express your intent very well, no matter how hard you try.
Furthermore, Property Based Testing drives your design, something it has in common with Test Driven Development (although it drives your design in a different way). Property based testing forces you to think about invariant properties of your code and capture these explicitly. Defining custom generators helps you get a better understanding of the preconditions of your code.
Property based testing is a relatively new practice. We are still learning about its applicability and usefulness.
Properties: invariants of the code under test; invariants should always be true under all valid inputs
Arbitraries & generators: A generator is a function that can generate arbitrary data of a specific type. An arbitrary combines a generator with a shrinking function.
Shrinking: Shrinking is used when a counter example is found, to reduce the counter example to the smallest one that still fails the property
Property based testing is available for most programming languages, like:
- Haskell: Quickcheck
- Scala: ScalaCheck
- Java:
- Javascript: many libraries available, like jsverify and claire
- C# / .Net: FsCheck
- Elm: