Gradle plugin to publish markdown pages to confluence.
You can define the plugin in settings.gradle
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
plugins {
id "com.github.qwazer.markdown-confluence" version "$VERSION"
And then apply the plugin in your build.gradle
- if the version is specified in the settings.gradle
, you don't
need to repeat it in the build.gradle
plugins {
id "com.github.qwazer.markdown-confluence"
Sample config.
confluence {
authenticationType = AuthenticationType.BASIC
authentication = 'username:password'.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
restApiUrl = ''
spaceKey = 'SAMPLE'
sslTrustAll = true
pageVariables = ['':]
parserType = 'commonmark'
pages {
"Releases" {
parentTitle = "Home"
srcFile = file("")
labels = ["release-notes", "${project.version}"]
"${}" {
parentTitle = "Releases"
srcFile = file("")
It's possible to define multiple pages with groovy closures.
For example, the below code snippet defines all *.md
files inside the src
directory as confluence pages
titled the same as underlying files (minus file path and extension) and having parentTitle
equal to Parent Page
pages {
.collect { file ->
def title ='.'))
"${title}" {
parentTitle = "Parent Page"
srcFile = file
The below Markdown code:
![Picture Alt Text](pics/picture.jpg "Extra title")
is translated to the following Confluence wiki:
!picture.jpg|Picture Alt Text!
Plus the pics/picture.jpg file (relative to the Markdown file) is added as an attachment (named picture.jpg) to the generated Confluence page and correctly linked.
parameter | datatype | optional | description |
authenticationType | Enum | yes | Authentication type to use when calling Confluence APIs, one of: BASIC, PAT (Personal Access Token). Defaults to BASIC when not specified explicitly. |
authenticationTypeString | String | yes | Overrides the above configuration using a string constant, one of: BASIC , PAT (Personal Access Token). Defaults to empty string when not specified explicitly. |
authentication | String | no | 'user:pass'.bytes.encodeBase64().toString() when authenticationType is BASIC , or token string when authenticationType is PAT . |
restApiUrl | String | no | Confluence REST API URL. |
spaceKey | String | no | Confluence space key. |
sslTrustAll | Boolean | yes | Setting to ignore self-signed and unknown certificate errors. Useful in some corporate environments. |
pageVariables | Map<String, String> | yes | Map of page variables. For example, if a Markdown file to be published contains ${myVar} placeholder, and the pageVariable map has an entry with the myVar key, then the placeholder in the Markdown file in will be substituted by value of the map entry having the myVar key. |
parserType | String | yes | Markdown to Confluence wiki parser to use. One of: commonmark (default if not specified), pegdown . |
pages | Closure | no | Collection of NamedDomainObjectContainer. If this collection contains multiple pages, they will be ordered according their parent-child relationship. |
page | NamedDomainObjectContainer | no | Name of the container is the title of the page. Check Declaring DSL configuration container. |
page.parentTitle | String | no | The title of the parent page under which this page should be published. It is used to resolve target page ancestorId in Confluence. |
page.srcFile | File | no | The Markdown file to be published as Confluence wiki page (can be mixed with Confluence Wiki Markup). |
page.labels | Collection | yes | Collection of labels to be added to the generated Confluence page. |
To trigger the generation of the page(s) configured in your build.gradle(.kts), just run the below command
./gradlew confluence
When the build completes successfully the configured pages will be in Confluence under the specified space.
- Inspired by maven-confluence-plugin by bsorrentino.
- Swagger Confluence