Discord bot written in Tcl with discord.tcl.
Find tclqBot on Discord.
- Safe interpreter for every guild ID to eval scripts.
- Save procs, vars from each guild ID in a local sqlite3 database.
- Permissions in the form of list of commands allowed to execute.
- Modifiable callback in sandbox for certain Gateway events
To add a callback for an event, e.g. MESSAGE_CREATE, type the following command in chat:
% Please addCallback MESSAGE_CREATE myCallback
Or with additional arguments
% Please addCallback MESSAGE_CREATE [list myCallback arg1]
The last argument passed to the callback will be data
, a dictionary
representing the JSON object for the event.
Individual safe interps within sandbox interp for each guild.Restrict built-in commands to bot owner and other specified users.- Use trace command for easier callbacks.
- Threads or other methods to avoid blocking from sandbox.