is a thin wrapper around i3status
that adds mpd
status block to the bar.
$ git clone
$ cd myi3status && cargo install --path . --force
Now you need to add it to your i3/sway configuration file. For example:
bar {
position top
colors {
statusline #ffffff
background #323232
inactive_workspace #323232 #323232 #5c5c5c
status_command ~/.cargo/bin/myi3status
separator_symbol " | "
Then, you need to set output-format
in your i3status config depending on what bar you use (e.g., i3bar, lemonbar, etc). For example:
general {
output_format = "i3bar"
colors = true
interval = 10
color_good = "#91bc30"
color_bad = "#f85858"
Finally, reload i3: i3-msg reload