Vagrantfile for construction of docker host server of CentOS 7.
$ cp playbook.yml.dist playbook.yml
Open the copied playbook.yml in the editor and set it.
hostname: <HOSTNAME>
vim_version: <VIM_VERSION>
docker_compose_version: <DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION>
samba_user: <SAMBA_USER>
samba_password: <SAMBA_PASSWORD>
- HOSTNAME: hostname of CentOS
- VIM_VERSION: cf. Releases vim
- DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION: cf. Install Docker Compose | Docker Documentation
- SAMBA_USER: username of samba
- SAMBA_PASSWORD: password of samba
Please set vagrant for working user name and group name.
- e.g.
hostname: docker-host
vim_version: v8.1.1115
docker_compose_version: 1.24.0
samba_user: vagrant
samba_password: vagrant
$ cp Vagrantfile.dist Vagrantfile
Open the copied Vagrantfile with an editor and set it.
# "public_network"
Uncomment the above and assign an IP address.
- e.g. "public_network", ip: "<IP_ADDRESS_HERE>"
Changing this setting is optional.
Please change the setting value as needed.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "2048" = "docker-host"
- vb.memory: Set the memory allocated to VM
- Set the name of VM
$ vagrant up
The Ansible local provisioner is executed on the first start.
cf. Ansible local