This is a router project without using any framework.This is not my project. Because I'd learned this project on Creative Coder Myanmar facebook Page. #crd Creative Coder Myanmar
Firstly you need to create mysql database
create database todo;
use todo;
create table tasks (id int primary key auto_increment,description varchar(120) not null,complete boolean not null);
create table users (id int primary key auto_increment,names varchar(120) not null);
And than you also need to insert into table
insert into tasks (description,complete) values ("finish homework",0),("go to the store",1);
insert into users (names) values ("[you can set any names]");
Last Installation is "Composer"
-if your os system is Linux you can follow this instruction
php composer install
sudo apt install php (Installing PHP on Ubuntu/Debian and their derivatives.)
sudo dnf install php (For Redhat family, CentOS, Fedora, etc)
curl -Ss | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer
composer (complete)
What did you learn while building this project?
-Answer is clear.
-If you really understand this project A to Z.I belive you,you can easily walk to laravel framework.
-I want it to be used that dd function.
-dd mean die_dump.
-You can easily find your error or data.
-I added this function in function.php file.
-So you don't need to extra create this function.
function dd($dataName)
echo "<pre>";
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Router-Project
Start the server in terminal
php -S localhost:8000
HTML ,PHP , Mysql