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To the extent possible under law, Guillem Jara has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to his dotfiles. This work is published from: Spain.



What you'll see when there are no windows.

Intelligent layout

This XMonad layout changes its algorithm depending on the number of windows, changing between Tall (normal tiling) and Spiral (fibonacci spiral) when there are more than 4 windows.

Mirror + Tiled layout

This XMonad layout uses the Tall algorithm (normal tiling) modified with the Mirror preset, which creates an horizontal layout.

Centered Master + Grid layout

This XMonad layout uses the Grid algorithm (grid-ish tiling) modified with the Centered Master preset, which creates a layout which puts all windows in a grid behind its master.

Rofi menu

Shows applications and windows.


Polybar shows:

  • workspace & window title
  • date & time
  • home partition usage, memory usage, cpu usage, cpu temperature, battery, volume, current Spotify song & system tray.


A lockscreen that blurs screen content.


A simple neovim config, if you want something closer to an IDE consider NvChad instead.

Ranger (with NeoVim integration)

A CLI file manager with integration with NeoVim.


A simple but powerful terminal multiplexer.


  • XMonad, XMonad-Contrib, wmctrl and all that stuff: Required

  • Polybar (Git): Required if you want a bar on the top of your screen.

  • NeoVim (Git): Optional if you use another editor such as Emacs and you don't care about using my NeoVim config.

  • Ranger (Git) & Ueberzug (Git): Optional if you use another file manager such as Thunar and you don't care about using my Ranger dotfiles.

  • Ibhagwan's Picom fork: Required.

  • Rofi (Git): If you want a menu, it's required.

  • ZSH, Oh my ZSH and Starship: If you want to use my zsh dotfiles, then all of them are required.

  • Tuxfetch: Optional

  • Alacritty: If you want to use my terminal dotfiles, then it's required.

  • Tmux: Optional if you don't wanna use a terminal multiplexer.

  • Xautolock & Betterlockscreen: Required if you want a lockscreen.

  • Dunst (Git): Required, elsewhere you won't have notifications without changing stuff in XMonad config (specifically the line where you spawn the dunst daemon).

  • Fusuma (and all its plugins): Optional, lets you use my touchpad gestures.

  • PlayerCTL: Optional, lets you use next/prev/pause keys in your keyboard.

  • BrightnessCTL: Optional, lets you use your brightness+/brightness+ keys in your keyboard

  • Am I missing something? Open up an issue or make a pull request with the changes.


Backup your dotfiles, and then move all the content of the repo except the images folder and this readme to your ~. Then, compile XMonad with xmonad --recompile.

If you have a ROG laptop, you can use a little script included in the dotfiles that will let you set custom bindings to the keys like ROG logo and Aura RGB. For setting it up, install asusctl and python3 and uncomment .XMonad/XMonad.hs:277. Edit .config/rog_bindings.yaml if you wanna set custom bindings. Recompile XMonad and you're done.

If you also want the Duckduckgo theme, go to your browser's settings and set your new tab URL to this:


  • My wallpaper is gone! Ensure FEH is installed and edit the line of XMonad's config that launches it setting other image path.
  • When logging in, suddenly my greeter pops up again/Xorg crashes! Open a TTY, log in with your user and write xmonad --recompile. Then come back to your greeter/original tty and try again.

Thanks to...

  • Axarva for their XMonad configuration (which has been simplified a lot).
  • Jimmy for his fetch and his advices.
  • Garuda Linux Team for a lot of the aliases of the .zshrc. (Yep, I used Garuda linux for a couple of months)

A lot of thanks!


My dotfiles but better







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  • Haskell 38.9%
  • Shell 29.2%
  • Python 17.9%
  • Vim Script 14.0%