This simulated Starbucks Rewards App dataset was a capstone project option by Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree with an open-ended problem statement to derive business value for Starbucks.
Here, it is used to build a model that can better rank which offers to serve to each customer. We aim to address the twin problems of:
- Wastage - Customers are sent (and therefore use) offers even though they would made a purchase without one
- Irrelevance - Irrelevant offers are sent which customers tune out, leading to missed conversion opportunities
- Understand current offer redemption trends and highlight improvement areas
- See 02_Exploratory_Data_Analysis.ipynb
- Build a framework to rank offers to serve to customers by:
- Tuning and select a classifier that predicts redemption
- Tuning and selecting a regressor that predicts expected spend if redeemed
- Combine both to output an understandable ranking of offers
- See 03_Redemption_and_Expected_Spend_Prediction.ipynb
This dataset is available from Kaggle ( Data is simulated but closely mimics customer behavior over the Starbucks Rewards App.
It consists of 3 csv files:
- portfolio.csv: 10 entries with offer configuration information
- profile.csv: 17,000 entries with customer demographic information
- transcript.csv: 306,534 rows of 4 types of interactions; offer received, offer viewed, offer success and transactions
- Success Rate: Only about 42% of all promotions sent out are ultimately redeemed on purpose ("success").
- Wastage: 13% of customers do not even see the promotion and yet redeemed it suggesting that the promotion was unnecessary and value was lost
- Frequency: Customers received on average 4 offers a month of varying configurations
- Offer Success differs most significantly by
- Gender: There is higher success with females compared to males
- Duration of being a member: Long term members (>500 days) have higher success
- Social Media: There is higher success if the offer is on social media as well
- Spending differs most significantly by:
- Age: Older individuals spend more
- Income: High-income individuals spend more
Packages used: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn
Predict Offer Success
- 4 classifiers were tuned and trained (Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, XGBoost)
- XGBoost had the best performance, with 73% precision (this is a significant improvement from the 42% business success rate above)
Predict Expected Spend
- 3 regressors were tuned and trained (Linear Regression, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbours)
- Random Forest had the best performance, with 0.5 r-squared.
Offer Ranking
- Demographic and promotions data first fed into the classifier to get P(Offer Success)
- The same features are then fed to the regressor to get Expected Spend
- The promotions are then ranked by P(Offer Success) x Expected Spend
Packages used: sklearn, xgboost
- 01_Data_Preprocessing.ipynb: Data formatting, filtering and grouping
- 02_Exploratory_Data_Analysis.ipynb:
- 03_Redemption_and_Expected_Spend_Prediction.ipynb: Classifier & regressor tuning, selection & combined expected value framework
- data: 3 original CSV files, 1 preprocessed CSV file and 1 example to demonstrate model application
- images: Supporting images
This project was co-written with Toh Pin Xuan (@tohpinxuan).