Disclaimer: Despite what GitHub says, LISPsmos was not written in Common Lisp. The ".lisp" files are LISPsmos files.
LISPsmos is a LISP-like programming language that maps almost directly to Desmos expressions, offering an alternate, text-based workflow and tooling.
Along with most Desmos features, LISPsmos comes with builtin support for the following:
- Procedural expressions for creating complex conditional logic and branching trees of actions. LISPsmos will automatically convert structured, procedural code (using if, while, procedure calls, etc.) into a piecewise with a program counter positioned at the start of the given entry point. Procedure calls can be recursive.
- Simple "find and replace" macros, along with token concatenation features.
- Macros that evaluate arbitrary JavaScript code to transform an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
(= a 1) ;variable assignment
(-> a (+ a 1)) ;actions and arithmetic operators
(= tenDividedByFive (/ 10 5)) ;longer variable names are automatically made subscript
;The positive solution to the quadratic formula.
(fn quadraticFormulaPositiveSoln a b c (
(+ (* -1 b) (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))
(* 2 a)
;Print x if x>=0, and -x if x<0. Effectively mimics the absolute value function.
;You'll need to manually turn on the display for this (disabled by default)
(fn absoluteValue x (piecewise
((>= x 0) x)
((< x 0) (* -1 x))
(displayMe ;indicates that the expression should be displayed
(= y x) ;expression to display
(color red) ;all subsequent arguments to displayMe are optional display settings
(lineWidth 30)
(lineOpacity 0.2)
(lineStyle DOTTED)
;macro that increments a variable
(defineFindAndReplace inc v (-> v (+ v 1)))
(= i 0)
;expands to (-> i (+ i 1))
(inc i)
;macro that calls the following function on its arguments
(evalMacro inc "return [['->', args[1], ['+', args[1], '1']]]")
(= a 0)
(inc a) ;application of the macro. All macros of this type are variadic.