Visit the site:
I was not able to find much of detailed info about OneWheel internals. My aim is to make this site a "go-to" resource for anyone trying to understand and/or fix their OneWheel by aggregating bits of details I was able to scour the internet for or research myself. (See Credits.)
- If you have time, please help by extending this page:
- If you have money, please motivate me to extend this page:
This is in no way a tutorial to do anything. I'm not responsible for any damage you cause by using this info. Even though I do my best to verify and double-check I'm not guaranteeing the correctness of the information aggregated in this repo.
OneWheel is a registered trademark of Future Motion, Inc.
I'm not affiliated with Future Motion. I just love the product they make. :)
Site is based on theme.
- See:
git clone
cd onewheel
bundle exec jekyll serve