Updated to LibGDX 1.9.9.
Added setting for export with simple names per 1.9.9. See Project > Settings.
Allows import of 1.9.9 skins with simple names.
Added a parent setting to each style to support 1.9.9 cascading styles. Selectable parent options respects class inheritance.
Resolved issue with Create Bitmap Font dialog creating fonts with incorrect baseline values.
Resolved drag and drop broken after using Create Bitmap Font dialog.
Added drag and drop to Create Bitmap Font and Freetype Font dialogs.
Fixed SplitPane preview not allowing for adjustments.
Added indent spacing and tied missing properties to the Tree preview.
Prioritized nine patches over standard graphics when images of the same name are dragged into the Drawables dialog.
Auto zoom and recenter in Nine Patch Editor now considers width in addition to height.
Resolved auto patches not functioning correctly for fully opaque, single-colored images in Nine Patch Editor.
Added save/load settings for bitmap font and Freetype Font dialogs.
Added check for preview fonts upon project load.
Added option to change preview background color in Nine Patch Editor.
Added option to change preview background to bitmap font and Freetype font dialogs.
Improved appearance of handles in Nine Patch Editor when zoomed out.
Fixed crash when trying to move handles in Nine Patch Editor when no image is loaded.
Resolved update button disappearing when a new project is started.
Replacing a drawable with a new drawable no longer breaks the link with styles using the original.
Proper replacement of custom drawables with a standard drawable.
Replacing a drawable no longer deletes tinted drawables based on that file.
Fixed crash when viewing fonts with multiple images after importing skin on an unsaved, new project.
Added UI support for ISO-8859-1: Western European and ISO-8859-2: Central European.
Fixed characters select box value incorrectly set when editing a Freetype font.
Fixed "duplicate custom class" creating an extra default style.
Minor UI fixes.
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