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Example SYCL implementation of collision detection


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SYCL Collision Simulation

Demo 3D simulation of rigid body physics with different shapes bouncing off each other confined in a box. Two implementations are provided, one sequential with standard C++ code compiled for CPU, and parallel SYCL implementation which can be compiled for any target device (e.g. a GPU) supported by a SYCL compiler.

The main aim of this project is to showcase how SYCL can be used to port CPU code to GPUs with standard C++ syntax, achieving significant performance boost portable across devices from different vendors.

There is a video display with FPS counter for demonstration purposes (presented in the clip below), as well as a headless mode for benchmarking.

How to build


  • CMake 3.12 or newer.
  • Intel oneAPI DPC++ compiler or its open source version. Although most, if not all, of the code should compile with other SYCL implementations, the CMake configuration assumes the DPC++ compiler driver CLI for compilation flags setup.
  • Magnum (and its dependency Corrade) - graphics middleware library used for the display as well as defining and transforming actor body meshes.
  • SDL2 for the graphical output (not needed when compiling for the headless mode).

Build with CMake

Like any standard CMake project, the collision simulation can be built with simply cloning the source, entering its directory, and typing:

mkdir build && cd build
CXX=clang++ cmake ..
cmake --build .

The CXX variable should point to your DPC++ compiler, either the clang++ driver or the icpx (they have matching CLI, so both work).

There are several options you may want to set when configuring the project. Use them by adding -D<option>=<value> in the first cmake command, with <value> being either ON or OFF for boolean options, and a number/string for others. The available options are:

  • HEADLESS - boolean option switching to the headless mode without graphical output, useful for benchmarking. The default is OFF (meaning graphical output is enabled).
  • ACTOR_GRID_SIZE - integer option. The simulation runs for a square grid of actors NxN where N=ACTOR_GRID_SIZE. The default value is 5 (meaning 25 actors are simulated). Due to some compile-time calculations based on this number, the compiler may prevent you from setting it too high. The DPC++ version 2023.2.1 allows 19 as the maximum value.
  • ENABLE_CUDA - boolean option enabling the compilation of SYCL code for NVIDIA GPU targets. The default value is OFF. Enabling this option requires the CUDA toolkit to be installed (at least the ptx assembler and device bitcode library).
  • ENABLE_HIP - boolean option enabling the compilation of SYCL code for AMD GPU targets. The default value is OFF. Enabling this option requires the ROCm toolkit to be installed (at least the device bitcode library).
  • ENABLE_SPIR - boolean option enabling the compilation of SYCL code for Intel devices. The compiled code can run both on Intel OpenCL and Level-Zero backends. The default value is ON.

How to run

The application can be simply executed with ./collision-sim. This executes the parallel simulation using SYCL. There is a single command-line option supported, --cpu, which causes the program to execute the sequential CPU implementation instead.

The SYCL implementation uses the default device selector, thus, the DPC++ SYCL runtime environment variables may be used to influence its behaviour. In particular, the ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR variable allows to pick a specific device among all available ones.


The physics simulation is implemented in src/SequentialSimulation.cpp for the sequential C++ code and in src/ParallelSimulation.cpp for the SYCL version. In addition src/Util.cpp implements some of the common computation. All other files in the project only define the data structures and deal with the graphical display and application flow. The two simulation files implement the same general algorithms, albeit with some adjustments relevant to either CPU or GPU programming.

Rigid body motion

The implementation of Newton-Euler equations describing 3D rigid body motion follows broadly

The sequential simulation implements the algorithm in the simulateMotionSequential function, whereas the parallel simulation covers it in the ActorKernel which updates the full-body kinematic properties and VertexKernel which updates all body mesh vertex positions accordingly.

World boundary collisions

The world boundary collision detection runs for every vertex of each actor body mesh and compares its location to the world edges. The first vertex detected to intersect with a world edge triggers a collision response implemented using the impulse-based model described in:

where one of the colliding bodies is a wall with an infinite mass.

The sequential simulation (function collideWorldSequential) loops over all actors, and for each actor loops over all vertices. An early-exit condition is triggered in the inner loop on the first detected collision. The parallel simulation implements the world collision detection as part of the VertexKernel and stores the collision information for every vertex in memory. This is then copied to host at the end of a simulation step, where the reduction to per-actor information and the impulse application are executed on the CPU.

Broad-phase collision detection

The broad-range collision detection is applied to actors' axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) following the basic sweep and prune algorithm described in chapter 2 of:

which consists of three stages:

  • calculation of the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) for each actor
  • sorting AABB edges along each axis
  • overlap detection among the sorted edges and flagging those overlapping along all three axes

For the sequential implementation, the first stage is part of the actor's updateVertexPositions procedure called in simulateMotionSequential and the other two stages are implemented in collideBroadSequential. The parallel version implements the three stages in the kernels: AABBKernel, AABBSortKernel, AABBOverlapKernel, respectively.

The sequential implementation follows the paper closely, sorting AABB edges along each axis using insertion sort. This approach is highly optimal for CPU, but challenging to implement reasonably for SIMT architectures like GPUs. For this reason, the parallel simulation uses the odd-even merge-sort algorithm in the sorting step of the algorithm.

Narrow-phase collision detection

All actor pairs flagged as overlapping by the broad-phase algorithm are subject to narrow-phase collision detection. For each such pair of actors (A, B), the algorithm searches for the closest triangle-vertex pair between all triangles of actor A and all vertices of actor B, as well as between all triangles of actor B and all vertices of actor A.

The 3D triangle-vertex distance is calculated by transforming the problem into a 2D space following the "2D method" described in:

The "2D method" functions are implemented in src/Util.cpp and the same code is used in the sequential and parallel implementation, exploiting the flexibility of SYCL to compile into both device and host code. The triangleTransform function transforms a triangle-vertex pair into the coordinate system described in the paper, whereas the closestPointOnTriangle function finds a point within the triangle boundaries that is the closest to the vertex, and returns the squared distance between them. Finally, the closestPointOnTriangleND function applies this to an array of vertices for one triangle, and finds the vertex closest to that triangle.

The pair of actors is flagged as colliding whenever the closest triangle-vertex distance between them is below a fixed threshold encoded in Constants::NarrowPhaseCollisionThreshold.

The triangle and vertex loop logic and threshold application is implemented in the collideNarrowSequential function for the sequential simulation. The parallel version starts with the NarrowPhaseKernel where each thread processes a single triangle, pairing it with all vertices of the other actor. This is followed by the TVReduceKernel which reduces all the triangle-vertex pairs for each actor into a single one with the closest distance squared.

The parallel algorithm kernels' iteration space is calculated dynamically from the broad-phase results and the computation is launched only for the overlapping actor pairs. Due to this, there is a synchronisation point where the broad-phase results are copied to host and processed to define the narrow-phase iteration range.

Collision response

The collision response uses the impulse-based model described in:

The sequential simulation implements it in the impulseCollision function and the parallel version in the ImpulseCollisionKernel.

Known issues

Sticky collisions

In some cases, when clipping occurs between the colliding shapes, the impulse collision algorithm may result in the two objects "sticking" to each other for some amount of time. This is a common flaw of the impulse-based collision response model, however, no workaround has been implemented so far in this project.

Segfault in HEADLESS mode without display (X11)

Even though the headless mode doesn't produce any graphical output, a bug in the underlying X11 library initialisation causes the application to crash on startup when there is no display configured. This can be worked around on X11 Linux with the X virtual framebuffer (Xvfb):

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -fbdir $(mktemp -d) &
export DISPLAY=:1


Example SYCL implementation of collision detection




